Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 104 26.9

line true false branch
48 10 0 unless $self->server
49 10 0 unless $self->port
50 10 0 unless $self->path
57 0 10 if ($opts{'debug'})
64 3 4 unless $key =~ /^default_(\w*)$/
100 6 3 if ($self->transaction_type eq 'CC') { }
3 0 elsif ($self->transaction_type eq 'ECHECK') { }
116 0 9 if $content{'recurring_billing'} and $content{'recurring_billing'} eq 'YES'
126 6 12 if (defined $exp and $exp =~ /^(\d+)\D+\d*\d{2}$/) { }
0 24 elsif (defined $exp and $exp =~ /^(\d{2})\d{2}$/) { }
137 6 12 if (defined $exp and $exp =~ /^\d+\D+\d*(\d{2})$/) { }
0 24 elsif (defined $exp and $exp =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})$/) { }
151 36 462 if (ref $map{$_} eq 'HASH') { }
87 375 elsif (ref $map{$_}) { }
106 269 elsif (exists $content{$map{$_}}) { }
152 15 21 if keys %{$map{$_};}
159 166 332 if (defined $value) { }
177 0 0 if ($action eq 'normal authorization' or $action eq 'credit' or $action eq 'authorization only' and $type eq 'CC') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'post authorization' and $type eq 'CC') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'void') { }
183 0 0 if $type eq 'CC'
186 0 0 if $type eq 'ECHECK'
195 0 0 if $type eq 'CC'
198 0 0 if $type eq 'ECHECK'
210 0 0 unless exists $content{$_}
217 0 0 if (grep {/^routing_code$/;} @required_fields)
218 0 0 unless ($content{'routing_code'} =~ /^\d{9}$/)
224 0 0 if ($self->test_transaction)
231 0 0 unless ($transaction_id)
235 0 0 if $Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay::DEBUG
238 0 0 unless $server_response =~ /^200/
248 0 0 if (defined $content{'amount'})
254 0 0 if $content{'account_number'}
256 0 0 if $type eq 'CC'
257 0 0 if $type eq 'ECHECK'
261 0 0 unless $country
266 0 0 unless $country
267 0 0 if $country
272 0 0 unless $ship_country
277 0 0 unless $ship_country
278 0 0 if $ship_country
302 0 0 unless ($type ne 'CC' or keys %shippingaddr)
312 0 0 unless $shippingaddr{'Country'}
366 0 0 unless $req{'BillingCountry'}
382 0 0 if $Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay::DEBUG
386 0 0 if $Business::OnlinePayment::IPPay::DEBUG
389 0 0 if ($server_response =~ /^200/)
391 0 0 if (exists $response->{'ActionCode'} and not exists $response->{'ErrMsg'}) { }
406 0 0 $self->result_code eq '000' ? :
408 0 0 unless ($self->is_success)
409 0 0 unless ($self->error_message)
435 15 151 if (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }