Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
35 1 10010 unless ($regex)
39 1199 8812 if (my($untainted_postalcode) = $postalcode =~ / \A #beginning of string ($regex) #generated regular expression, capturing \z #end of string /msx) { }
85 1 1959 if ($entries[0] eq $parameter_data)
106 1 1284 if ($entries[1] =~ /$parameter_data$/i)
120 5 1 unless ($parameter_data)
157 6428 1 if ($entries[0] =~ / ^ #beginning of string \d{${\4;}} #digits in postalcode $ #end of string /msx)
175 1 2 unless ($postalcodes)
190 27 3 if ($child->getIndex < $tree->getChildCount - 1)
214 735 9888 if ($no_of_children > 1)
217 3543 735 if ($child->getIndex < $_tree->getChildCount - 1)
263 5145 15435 if ($i == 0)
272 13128 69485 if ($c->getNodeValue == $subtree->getNodeValue)
278 13128 7452 if ($child) { }