Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 58 46.5

line true false branch
80 1636 362 if ($checkciffer < 10)
85 1 1 if (wantarray) { }
102 2 859 if (length $number != $length)
114 2 7 if ($rv = validate1968($controlnumber)) { }
136 13 10 if (my $series = $seeds{$remainder}) { }
4 12 elsif ($control == 0 || $control == 6 and $remainder == 0) { }
137 11 2 if ($control < $seeds{$remainder}{'min'}) { }
0 2 elsif ($control > $seeds{$remainder}{'max'}) { }
148 1 7 if ($female_seeds{$remainder}) { }
1 6 elsif ($male_seeds{$remainder}) { }
6 0 elsif ($remainder == 0) { }
155 6 0 if (_is_equal($control)) { }
179 9 826 if ($sum % 11) { }
183 411 415 if (_is_equal($sum)) { }
231 9 861 unless (check_date($3, $2, $1))
249 0 0 if ($gender) { }
266 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
287 0 0 if (defined $gender)
288 0 0 if ($gender eq 'male') { }
0 0 elsif ($gender eq 'female') { }
300 0 0 unless ($gender)
312 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
340 0 0 if (my $rv = validate1968($cpr))
342 0 0 if (defined $gender and $rv) { }
343 0 0 if ($rv == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($rv == 2) { }
358 0 0 if ($gender and $gender eq 'female') { }
0 0 elsif ($gender and $gender eq 'male') { }
365 0 0 if (wantarray) { }