Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 104 90.3

line true false branch
67 25 905 if (my $abbr = $entry->{'abbr_std'})
71 30 900 unless my $abbr_list = $entry->{'abbr'}
72 595 305 unless ref $abbr_list
99 1 1781 unless my $entry = $self->data->{$long}
107 0 1427 unless $designator
108 388 1039 if (exists $self->data->{$designator}) { }
1038 1 elsif (my $long_set = $self->abbr_long_map->{$designator}) { }
133 16 24092 /[()]/ ? :
1941 24108 / / ? :
1565 26049 /\./ ? :
149 96 1877 if ($pattern_string =~ /^(\w)(\w)$/) { }
109 1768 elsif ($pattern_string =~ /^(\w)$optional1e(\w)$optional1e$/) { }
157 432 1541 if (exists $self->pattern_string_map->{$pattern_string}) { }
7 1534 elsif ($alt_pattern_string1 and exists $self->pattern_string_map->{$alt_pattern_string1}) { }
159 3 429 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
167 7 0 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
176 681 1292 if ($lang)
178 230 591 if (exists $self->pattern_string_map_lang->{$l}{$pattern_string}) { }
180 0 230 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
192 231 1742 if ($string =~ /\pM/)
205 0 50 unless ($types->{$type})
214 44 6 if ($lang)
215 42 2 unless ref $lang
223 7772 1528 if $lang_re and not $entry->{'lang'} =~ /$lang_re/
225 505 1023 if $type eq 'begin' and not $entry->{'lead'}
227 332 691 if $type eq 'end_cont' and not $LANG_CONTINUA{$entry->{'lang'}}
234 659 32 if (my $abbr_list = $entry->{'abbr'})
235 387 272 unless ref $abbr_list
238 63 1051 if $type eq 'end_cont' and $abbr =~ /^\p{ASCII}+$/
247 15 35 if $count == 0
249 35 0 wantarray ? :
261 1152 2130 if ($lang)
263 8 0 if (ref $lang and ref $lang eq 'ARRAY' and @$lang)
264 0 8 if (@$lang == 1) { }
274 1152 2130 if $lang_key
276 3232 50 if (my $entry = $self->regex_cache->{$cache_key})
277 3232 0 wantarray ? :
282 50 0 wantarray ? :
293 1139 147 if $before
296 980 306 if ($matched_pattern)
297 282 698 if $lang
299 960 20 if ($des_std)
307 1006 722 defined $_ && !ref($_) ? :
432 854 if wantarray
311 682 172 $des_std ? :
335 4 0 eval {
343 576 710 if ($lang) { }
344 36 540 if ($LANG_CONTINUA{$lang}) { }
357 677 609 if ($end_re and $company_name_match =~ /^\s*(.*?)$punct_class\s*\(?($end_re)\)?\s*$/)
364 114 495 if ($end_cont_re and $company_name_match_cont_stripped =~ /^\s*(.*?)\(?($end_cont_re)\)?\s*$/)
370 147 348 if ($begin_re and $company_name_match =~ /^\s*\(?($begin_re)\)?$punct_class\s*(.*?)\s*$/)
376 42 18 if ($end_re and $allow_embedded and $company_name_match =~ /(.*?)$punct_class\s*\(?($end_re)\)?(?:\s+(.*?))?$/)