Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 58 79.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
148 1216 129 0 $alt_pattern_string1 and exists $self->pattern_string_map->{$alt_pattern_string1}
150 6 236 3 $current and $current ne $reference_string
158 0 0 5 $current and $current ne $reference_string
171 0 154 0 $current and $current ne $reference_string
209 2752 224 2528 $type eq 'begin' and not $entry->{'lead'}
211 372 175 2429 $lang_re and not $entry->{'lang'} =~ /$lang_re/
245 552 0 8 ref $lang and ref $lang eq 'ARRAY'
552 0 8 ref $lang and ref $lang eq 'ARRAY' and @$lang
284 352 0 488 defined $_ && !ref($_)
319 14 46 49 $lead_re and $company_name_match =~ /^\s*($lead_re)$punct_class\s*(.*?)\s*$/
7 11 42 $allow_embedded and $company_name_match =~ /(.*?)$punct_class\s*($re)(?:\s+(.*?))?$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
59 0 5 $map->{$abbr} ||= []
65 40 1230 $map->{$abbr} ||= []
239 1240 0 $type ||= 'end'
288 375 35 $before // ''
328 82 $des // ''
312 98 $des_std // ''
63 347 $after // ''
308 134 486 $allow_embedded //= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
113 1043 547 0 $reference_string ||= $string
222 4 828 0 $entry->{'abbr_std'} || $abbr
275 130 312 20 $des_std ||= $self->pattern_string_map->{$matched_pattern}