Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 83 92 90.2

line true false branch
58 5 855 if (my $abbr = $entry->{'abbr_std'})
62 30 830 unless my $abbr_list = $entry->{'abbr'}
63 570 260 unless ref $abbr_list
90 1 1093 unless my $entry = $self->data->{$long}
98 0 862 unless $designator
99 241 621 if (exists $self->data->{$designator}) { }
620 1 elsif (my $long_set = $self->abbr_long_map->{$designator}) { }
124 16 20447 /[()]/ ? :
1657 20463 / / ? :
1341 22120 /\./ ? :
140 69 1521 if ($pattern_string =~ /^(\w)(\w)$/) { }
98 1423 elsif ($pattern_string =~ /^(\w)$optional1e(\w)$optional1e$/) { }
148 245 1345 if (exists $self->pattern_string_map->{$pattern_string}) { }
5 1340 elsif ($alt_pattern_string1 and exists $self->pattern_string_map->{$alt_pattern_string1}) { }
150 3 242 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
158 5 0 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
167 524 1066 if ($lang)
169 154 479 if (exists $self->pattern_string_map_lang->{$l}{$pattern_string}) { }
171 0 154 if ($current and $current ne $reference_string)
183 211 1379 if ($string =~ /\pM/)
200 28 4 if ($lang)
201 26 2 unless ref $lang
209 2528 2976 if $type eq 'begin' and not $entry->{'lead'}
211 2429 547 if $lang_re and not $entry->{'lang'} =~ /$lang_re/
218 531 16 if (my $abbr_list = $entry->{'abbr'})
219 352 179 unless ref $abbr_list
229 12 20 if $count == 0
231 20 0 wantarray ? :
243 560 680 if ($lang)
245 8 0 if (ref $lang and ref $lang eq 'ARRAY' and @$lang)
246 0 8 if (@$lang == 1) { }
256 560 680 if $lang_key
258 1208 32 if (my $entry = $self->regex_cache->{$cache_key})
259 1208 0 wantarray ? :
264 32 0 wantarray ? :
273 462 158 if ($matched_pattern)
274 134 328 if $lang
276 442 20 if ($des_std)
284 488 352 defined $_ && !ref($_) ? :
210 410 if wantarray
288 312 98 $des_std ? :
312 4 0 eval {
317 480 140 if ($re)
319 371 109 if ($company_name_match =~ /^\s*(.*?)$punct_class\s*($re)\s*$/) { }
49 60 elsif ($lead_re and $company_name_match =~ /^\s*($lead_re)$punct_class\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { }
42 25 elsif ($allow_embedded and $company_name_match =~ /(.*?)$punct_class\s*($re)(?:\s+(.*?))?$/) { }