Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 54 27.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
365 118 0 0 $etal_no > 0 && scalar @n > $etal_no
587 68 8 4 $series and not $number
605 0 0 0 $Year && $Month

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
77 0 118 $self->fieldOption('etal', $options) || -1
96 0 0 (shift())->option('label-separator') || ' '
101 106 0 $self->option('language') || 'English'
150 106 0 $self->option('keywordStyle') || ''
156 0 106 $$self{'keywords'} || {}
957 0 0 $default_type || 'thesis'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
159 0 0 106 $self->keywords->{$opt} || ($style ? $$style{$opt} : undef)
416 102 4 0 $opt || $style || $default
430 6 6 0 $ReportType || $self->format_keyword($default_type)
621 0 0 0 $Volume or $Number
675 6 0 0 $self->entry('Institution') || $self->entry('Organization') || $self->entry('School')
683 2 0 0 $self->entry('Organization') || $self->entry('Institution') || $self->entry('School')
845 0 0 0 $self->entryNotEmpty('Address') || $self->entryNotEmpty('Location')
0 0 0 $self->entryNotEmpty('Organization') || $self->entryNotEmpty('Publisher')
894 0 0 0 $org || $addr
999 0 0 0 $self->entryNotEmpty('Address') || $self->entryNotEmpty('Location')
1004 0 0 0 $org || $publ