Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 242 34.7

line true false branch
83 8 0 if ($#param >= 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($#param == 0) { }
91 0 8 if exists $conf{-'file'}
92 0 8 if exists $conf{-'hash'}
95 8 0 if exists $conf{-'ConfigFile'}
96 8 0 if exists $conf{-'ConfigPath'}
97 0 8 if exists $conf{-'ConfigHash'}
100 0 8 if (exists $conf{-'String'})
101 0 0 if ($conf{-'String'})
106 0 8 if (exists $conf{-'FlagBits'})
107 0 0 if ($conf{-'FlagBits'} and ref $conf{-'FlagBits'} eq 'HASH')
114 0 8 if (exists $conf{-'DefaultConfig'})
115 0 0 if ($conf{-'DefaultConfig'} and ref $conf{-'DefaultConfig'} eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($conf{-'DefaultConfig'} and ref $conf{-'DefaultConfig'} eq '') { }
132 0 24 unless (exists $$self{$key})
135 24 0 if ($conf{$entry} =~ /$$self{'AutoTrueFlags'}{'true'}/io) { }
0 0 elsif ($conf{$entry} =~ /$$self{'AutoTrueFlags'}{'false'}/io) { }
147 0 8 if ($$self{'MergeDuplicateOptions'})
149 0 0 unless (exists $conf{-'AllowMultiOptions'})
165 0 8 if ($$self{'SplitPolicy'} ne 'guess') { }
166 0 0 if ($$self{'SplitPolicy'} eq 'whitespace') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'SplitPolicy'} eq 'equalsign') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'SplitPolicy'} eq 'custom') { }
168 0 0 unless $$self{'StoreDelimiter'}
172 0 0 unless $$self{'StoreDelimiter'}
175 0 0 unless ($$self{'SplitDelimiter'})
184 8 0 unless $$self{'StoreDelimiter'}
187 0 8 if ($$self{'InterPolateVars'})
196 0 0 if ($@)
204 8 0 unless ($$self{'parsed'})
205 0 8 if ($$self{'DefaultConfig'} and $$self{'InterPolateVars'})
208 0 8 if (exists $$self{'StringContent'}) { }
0 8 elsif (exists $$self{'ConfigHash'}) { }
0 8 elsif (ref $$self{'ConfigFile'} eq 'GLOB' or ref $$self{'ConfigFile'} eq 'FileHandle') { }
214 0 0 if (ref $$self{'ConfigHash'} eq 'HASH') { }
229 8 0 if ($$self{'ConfigFile'}) { }
232 8 0 if (file_name_is_absolute($$self{'ConfigFile'}))
237 0 8 unless $$self{'ConfigPath'}
255 0 8 if ($$self{'ExtendedAccess'})
264 0 0 if ($@)
279 8 0 exists $$this{'config'} ? :
292 2 8 if (not -e $configfile and defined $$this{'ConfigPath'})
294 2 26 if (-e catfile($dir, $configfile))
300 10 0 if (-e $configfile) { }
301 0 10 unless open $fh, "<$configfile"
318 0 10 if ($flag and $flag eq 'SCALAR') { }
319 0 0 if (ref $fh eq 'ARRAY') { }
333 722 0 if ($$this{'CComments'})
335 0 722 if (m[(\s*/\*.*\*/\s*)]) { }
14 708 elsif (m[^\s*/\*]) { }
14 694 elsif (m[\*/]) { }
341 0 14 if (m[\*/\s*$]) { }
350 0 14 unless ($c_comment)
356 86 636 if $c_comment
360 0 636 if ($hier)
362 0 0 if (/^(\s*)\Q$hierend\E\s*$/) { }
366 0 0 if ($indent) { }
393 0 636 if /^\s*#/
394 122 514 if /^\s*$/
405 514 0 if ($$this{'SplitPolicy'} eq 'guess') { }
406 0 514 if (/^\s*(\S+?)(\s*=\s*|\s+)<<\s*(.+?)\s*$/)
414 0 0 if (/^\s*(\S+?)($$this{'SplitDelimiter'})<<\s*(.+?)\s*$/)
424 0 514 if (/\\$/)
437 0 514 if ($longline) { }
448 2 512 if (/^\s*<>\s*$/i or /^\s*include\s+(.+?)\s*$/i and $$this{'UseApacheInclude'}) { }
450 0 2 if ($$this{'IncludeRelative'} and $$this{'configpath'} and not file_name_is_absolute($incl_file)) { }
493 0 1308 if (/$indichar/) { }
497 1308 0 if ($$this{'SplitPolicy'} eq 'guess') { }
508 0 882 if ($value and $value =~ /^"/ and $value =~ /"$/)
512 450 858 if (not defined $block) { }
30 828 elsif (m[^<([^/]+?.*?)>$]) { }
92 736 elsif (m[^$]) { }
513 62 388 if (m[^<([^/]+?.*?)>$]) { }
0 388 elsif (m[^$]) { }
516 0 62 if ($blockname)
519 0 62 if ($$this{'InterPolateVars'})
523 0 0 if ($blockname)
527 0 62 if $$this{'LowerCaseNames'}
536 0 388 if $$this{'LowerCaseNames'}
537 0 388 if (exists $$config{$option}) { }
538 0 0 if ($$this{'MergeDuplicateOptions'}) { }
542 0 0 if (not $$this{'AllowMultiOptions'}) { }
548 0 0 if (ref $$config{$option} ne 'ARRAY')
557 0 0 if ($@) { }
576 30 62 if ($block_level) { }
581 0 62 if ($blockname) { }
583 0 0 if (exists $$config{$block}{$blockname}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $$config{$block} eq 'ARRAY') { }
584 0 0 if ($$this{'MergeDuplicateBlocks'}) { }
590 0 0 if (not $$this{'AllowMultiOptions'}) { }
597 0 0 if (ref $savevalue eq 'ARRAY') { }
620 0 62 if (exists $$config{$block}) { }
621 0 0 if ($$this{'MergeDuplicateBlocks'}) { }
627 0 0 if (not $$this{'AllowMultiOptions'}) { }
634 0 0 if (ref $savevalue eq 'ARRAY') { }
661 0 70 if ($block)
692 78 310 unless defined $value
694 0 388 if ($$this{'InterPolateVars'})
699 388 0 if ($$this{'AutoTrue'})
700 16 372 if ($value =~ /$$this{'AutoTrueFlags'}{'true'}/io) { }
4 368 elsif ($value =~ /$$this{'AutoTrueFlags'}{'false'}/io) { }
709 0 388 if ($$this{'FlagBits'})
710 0 0 if (exists $$this{'FlagBitsFlags'}{$option})
713 0 0 if (exists $__flags{$flag}) { }
751 0 0 if (@two and $one and scalar(@two) % 2 == 0) { }
770 0 0 if (not $file) { }
774 0 0 unless open $fh, ">$file"
776 0 0 if (not $config) { }
777 0 0 if (exists $$this{'config'}) { }
788 0 0 if ($config_string) { }
808 0 0 if (not $config or ref $config ne 'HASH') { }
809 0 0 if (exists $$this{'config'}) { }
834 0 0 if (ref $config{$entry} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $config{$entry} eq 'HASH') { }
836 0 0 if (ref $line eq 'HASH') { }
867 0 0 if ($line =~ /\n/) { }
873 0 0 if ($line =~ /$tmplimiter/s) { }
931 0 0 if (not $file && $hash) { }
935 0 0 if (ref $hash ne 'HASH') { }
951 0 0 if (not $hash) { }
955 0 0 if (ref $hash ne 'HASH') { }