Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 58 0.0

line true false branch
44 0 0 unless ($file)
62 0 0 unless defined $body
63 0 0 unless $self->_load_notification_file
78 0 0 if $prev eq 'seen' or $word =~ /(\-\-|\+\+)$/
81 0 0 if ($word eq '@all') { }
0 0 elsif ($word eq '@here') { }
0 0 elsif ($nick and $emails{$nick}) { }
94 0 0 if grep {$_ == 1;} values %users
118 0 0 unless $nick
124 0 0 if ($channel{$user})
126 0 0 if ($seen and $seen->{'time'})
129 0 0 if $time < $settings{'active'} * 60
130 0 0 if $time > 3600 and $type == 2
145 0 0 unless my $fn = $self->store->get('notify', 'notifications')
146 0 0 unless -r $fn
149 0 0 if $mod <= $load_time and keys %emails
151 0 0 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($fn, 'r')
155 0 0 if /^#/ or /^$/
159 0 0 if ($nick eq 'CONFIG')
165 0 0 if $ident
178 0 0 unless $settings{'smtp'}
179 0 0 if keys %emails
187 0 0 if $emails{$user}
191 0 0 unless $emails{$ident}{'ident'}
194 0 0 unless $user eq $nick
196 0 0 if $nicks->{$nick}{'Real'} =~ /\Q$emails{$ident}{'ident'}\E/
197 0 0 if $nicks->{$nick}{'User'} =~ /\Q$emails{$ident}{'ident'}\E/
198 0 0 if $nicks->{$nick}{'Userhost'} =~ /\Q$emails{$ident}{'ident'}\E/
220 0 0 if ($@)