Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 39 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
115 499 78 1 $original =~ /^\s*$/ and $next_char =~ /['"\(\[\{]/
537 40 0 defined $quote_mark and $quote_mark =~ /(['"])/ && $next_char eq $1 || $quote_mark eq '(' && $next_char eq ')' || $quote_mark eq '[' && $next_char eq ']' || $quote_mark eq '{' && $next_char eq '}'
537 30 5 defined $quote_mark and $next_char =~ /\s/
30 438 41 not defined $quote_mark and $original =~ /\S\s+/
468 0 41 not defined $quote_mark and $original =~ /\S\s+/ and $next_char =~ /\S/
179 52 15 0 @args and $original =~ /^\s+$/
293 1 164 25 $self->has_more_args and $self->args->[0]->text =~ /^$match$/
321 0 0 5 defined $sender and &blessed($sender)
0 3 2 defined $sender and &blessed($sender) and $sender->does('Bot::Backbone::Service::Role::Sender')
0 0 3 defined $sender and &blessed($sender)
0 0 3 defined $sender and &blessed($sender) and $sender->isa('Bot::Backbone::Bot')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
115 1 0 36 $quote_mark =~ /(['"])/ && $next_char eq $1 || $quote_mark eq '(' && $next_char eq ')' || $quote_mark eq '[' && $next_char eq ']' || $quote_mark eq '{' && $next_char eq '}'
272 392 0 0 $self->has_args or $bookmark->has_args