Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 36 52.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
111 0 0 1 $$self{'_appliancehost'} and $$self{'_applianceport'}
0 0 1 $$self{'_appliancehost'} and $$self{'_applianceport'} and $$self{'_applianceconnectmode'}
0 0 1 $$self{'_appliancehost'} and $$self{'_applianceport'} and $$self{'_applianceconnectmode'} and $$self{'_applianceusername'}
0 0 1 $$self{'_appliancehost'} and $$self{'_applianceport'} and $$self{'_applianceconnectmode'} and $$self{'_applianceusername'} and $$self{'_appliancepassword'}
456 1 0 2 $interface and $capabilities
462 1 0 2 $interface and $mac
465 1 1 1 $interface and $running
468 1 1 1 $interface and not $running
525 0 5 1 length $interface > 1 and $ip
5 0 1 length $interface > 1 and $ip and $netmask
649 0 0 1 $$self{'vpm-cpl'} and $$self{'vpm-xml'}
738 0 0 0 $marker and not $line =~ /$marker/i