Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 96 13.5

line true false branch
156 1 5 if $attr =~ /^-/ or not $attr
166 0 7 unless $Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::StandAloneFasta::OK_FIELD{$attr}
167 5 2 if @_
201 1 0 unless defined $exename
203 0 1 if (defined $exe and -x $exe)
206 1 0 unless (defined $self->{'_pathtoexe'}{$exename})
208 0 1 if -e $f and -x $f
213 1 0 unless ($exe)
214 0 1 if ($exe = $self->io->exists_exe($exename) and -x $exe) { }
217 0 1 if $warn
236 0 1 if $ENV{'FASTADIR'}
269 0 0 unless $Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::StandAloneFasta::library
272 0 0 unless @seqs
284 0 0 if ($onfile) { }
295 0 0 if ($outfile)
312 0 0 if ($outfile) { }
313 0 0 unless open FASTARUN, "$para |"
317 0 0 if ($self->verbose < 0) { }
318 0 0 $^O =~ /mswin/i ? :
324 0 0 unless $status == 0
331 0 0 if ($outfile)
332 0 0 unless open FILE, ">$outfile"
344 0 0 if $outfile
349 0 0 if ($outfile) { }
350 0 0 unless open FASTARUN, "$para |"
354 0 0 if ($self->verbose < 0) { }
355 0 0 $^O =~ /mswin/i ? :
361 0 0 unless $status == 0
369 0 0 if ($outfile)
370 0 0 unless open FHOUT, $tempoutfile
371 0 0 unless open FH, ">>$outfile"
398 0 0 unless defined $lb
400 0 0 if ($lb =~ /^%[a-zA-Z]+$/ or $lb =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { }
401 0 0 unless (defined $ENV{'FASTLIBS'})
405 0 0 unless (-e $lb)
430 0 0 if @_
448 0 0 unless (defined $k)
449 0 0 if ($k =~ /^[1-6]$/) { }
473 0 0 unless (defined $input)
478 0 0 if (not ref $input) { }
0 0 elsif (ref($input) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($input->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')) { }
479 0 0 if (-e $input) { }
489 0 0 if (ref $_ and $_->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')) { }
495 0 0 unless (@seqs)
520 0 0 unless $exe =~ /fast|ssearch/
522 0 0 if $^O =~ /mswin/i
545 0 0 unless defined $value