Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 196 41.8

line true false branch
273 0 1 unless defined $run_option
283 1 0 if (-e $schema_file) { }
289 0 0 if -e $p
291 0 0 unless -e $self->_schema_file
306 0 1 if defined $query
307 0 1 if defined $ids
311 0 1 if $self->query
333 10 1 if @_
334 1 0 if (not $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} or $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} < 1)
353 9 1 if (@_)
355 0 9 unless ref $a eq 'ARRAY'
358 0 9 if (@$a) { }
366 10 0 if $self->{'ids'}
382 8 10 if @_
407 1 0 if ($fname) { }
408 0 1 unless open $fh, '>', $fname
442 745 5101 $a =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $b =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? :
443 31 43 if (grep /Any/, @tmp)
448 32 42 @tmp ? :
68 6 @als ? :
501 1 0 if (not $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} or $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} < 2)
505 0 0 if exists $self->{'_annotations'}
507 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 0 if @ret
533 0 0 unless defined $id
534 0 0 unless defined $ac
535 0 0 unless ref $ac eq 'Bio::Annotation::Collection'
539 0 0 unless exists $self->{'_annotations'}{$id}
655 0 0 if (not $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} or $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} < 2)
683 0 0 if (not $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} or $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} < 2)
691 0 0 wantarray ? :
722 4 5 unless defined $rl
723 0 9 unless grep /^$Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery::RUN_OPTION$/, (0, 1, 2)
726 9 0 unless (defined $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'})
730 0 0 if ($rl > 0 and !defined($self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'}) || $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} <= 0)
734 0 0 if ($rl > 1 and !defined($self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'}) || $self->{'_RUN_LEVEL'} <= 1)
778 0 0 if @_
795 0 0 if @_
813 1 1 if @_
830 1 0 if (@_)
832 1 0 if ($_ eq 'HASH')
836 0 0 unless ($_)
868 0 0 unless defined $id
876 1 3 if @_
893 1 1 if @_
910 1 1 if @_
927 1 1 if @_
994 1 2 if @_
1014 9 1 $self->{'_schema'} ? :
1035 0 5 unless $a
1036 5 0 if (ref $a eq 'ARRAY') { }
1061 0 0 if (@_)
1063 0 0 unless ref $r eq 'HTTP::Response'
1089 0 9 unless (defined $_)
1095 2 7 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH')
1097 1 1 if (grep /HASH/, map({ref $_;} values %inhash))
1101 0 1 unless defined $inhash{'query'}
1106 3 4 if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY')
1129 0 17 if (grep /^$k$/, @validFields) { }
15 2 elsif (grep /^$k$/, @validAliases) { }
1134 15 1003 if (grep /^$k$/, $schema->aliases($_))
1148 6 9 ref $qh->{'query'}{$k} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1149 0 15 if ($vf->{'type'} eq 'text') { }
15 0 elsif ($vf->{'type'} eq 'option') { }
1154 0 0 if $_ eq '' and $vf->{'blank_ok'} eq 'false'
1162 3086 0 if defined $_
1 20 unless $vf->{'option'} and grep {/^$md$/ if defined $_;} @{$$vf{'option'};}
1170 2 3 if ($qh->{'annot'})
1177 0 2 if (grep /^$k$/, @validFields) { }
2 0 elsif (grep /^$k$/, @validAliases) { }
1182 2 128 if (grep /^$k$/, $schema->aliases($_))
1201 5 0 unless grep /SequenceEntry\.SE_id/, @query
1202 5 0 unless grep /SequenceAccessions\.SA_GenBankAccession/, @query
1208 5 0 unless grep /order/, @query
1219 5 0 if (@qtbl > 1)
1236 5 10 unless $_
1245 10 5 unless (grep /^$fld$/, keys %q)
1282 0 0 if (not $self->_lanl_query) { }
1326 0 0 $query[$_] =~ s/^COMMAND\.// ? :
1327 0 0 $query[$_] =~ /^COMMAND/ ? :
1332 0 0 unless (grep /^$cp$/, @query)
1350 0 0 unless ($idPing->is_success)
1355 0 0 unless ($self->_session_id)
1357 0 0 unless ($self->_session_id)
1370 0 0 unless ($interfGet->is_success)
1376 0 0 unless ($interfGet->content =~ /$search_form_re/)
1382 0 0 unless ($searchGet->is_success)
1388 0 0 if (/$no_seqs_found_re/)
1393 0 0 if (/$too_many_re/)
1398 0 0 if (/$tbl_no_join_re/)
1402 0 0 if (/$sys_error_re/)
1407 0 0 if (/$seqs_found_re/)
1418 0 0 unless $response->is_success
1424 0 0 if ($@)
1425 0 0 unless ($@ =~ /No sequences found/)
1433 0 0 unless $count
1463 0 0 unless $self->_lanl_response
1490 0 0 if $_ eq '#'