Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 44 59.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
308 0 1 3 my $exonA = shift @exons and my $exonB = shift @exons
511 1 34 5 defined $exon->strand and not $strand
514 3 37 0 $exon->strand and $exon->strand * $strand < 0
614 0 2 38 defined $exon->seq and $exon->is_coding
688 735 3 35 $pri and not $_->primary_tag =~ /$pri/i
710 0 0 0 defined $list[$_] and $list[$_]->isa($type)
712 0 0 0 $pri and not $list[$_]->primary_tag =~ /$pri/i
746 531 0 0 defined $self->entire_seq and not defined $fea->entire_seq
531 0 0 defined $self->entire_seq and not defined $fea->entire_seq and $fea->can('attach_seq')
770 17 10 20 defined $strand and $strand == -1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
301 4 0 $_->strand || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
297 0 1 0 not defined $strand or $strand != -1
1 0 0 not defined $strand or $strand != -1 or not $rev_order
617 1 36 1 not defined $exon->frame or $phase == $exon->frame
734 19 363 149 not $fea->isa($type) or $pri