Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 64 147 43.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
221 862 289 21 not $self->in_element('hsp') and /^\s+$/
223 1143 0 2 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline
1143 0 2 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox
312 0 1 7 $self->{'_reporttype'} and $self->{'_reporttype'} eq 'FASTA'
346 0 8 0 defined $_ and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/
0 0 6 defined($_ = $self->_readline) and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)/
496 0 8 180 defined($_ = $self->_readline) and not /^\s+$/
501 180 0 0 $line[-1] =~ /\=/o and $labels[-1] ne 'aln_code'
692 0 0 180 $len and $alphabet
757 0 0 180 $firstHSP and not $m9HSP
759 0 0 180 @hit_signifs and @{$hit_signifs[0]{'HSPs'};}
804 0 0 180 $v && exists $v->{'evalue2'}
0 0 180 $v and exists $v->{'evalue2'}
1037 0 0 0 $self->{'_reporttype'} and $self->{'_reporttype'} eq 'FASTA'
1072 0 0 0 defined($_ = $self->_readline) and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)/
1342 1222 2253 2562 $self->in_element('hsp') and $data->{'Name'} =~ /Hsp\_(qseq|hseq|midline)/
1637 0 0 0 exists $hsp->{'%_id'} and exists $hsp->{'alen'}
1646 0 0 0 exists $hsp->{'%_gid'} and exists $hsp->{'alen'}
1654 0 0 0 exists $hsp->{'%_id'} and exists $hsp->{'alen'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
188 0 8 0 $idlength || $Bio::SearchIO::fasta::IDLENGTH
223 5 1 1145 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/
6 0 1145 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/
1 0 1145 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/
0 0 1145 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/ or /(\S+)\s+finds\s+/
2 0 1143 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/
2 0 1143 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/
0 0 1143 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/
0 0 1143 /^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/ or /(\S+)\s+finds\s+/
0 2 1143 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/ or /(\S+)\s+finds\s+/ or (/^\#\s+/ and $_ = $self->_readline and /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)?sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+performs\s+a/ or /(\S+)\s+produces\s/ or /(\S+)\s+finds\s+/)
0 180 928 /^(>--)$/ or /^>>(?!>)(.+?)\s+(?:\((\d+)\s*(aa|nt)\))?$/
299 2 0 0 $querydef ||= $1
346 0 0 8 $last =~ /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ or $last =~ /^searching\s+(\S+)\s+library/
0 0 8 $last =~ /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ or $last =~ /^searching\s+(\S+)\s+library/ or $last =~ /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/
2 0 6 /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/
0 0 8 $last =~ /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ or $last =~ /^searching\s+(\S+)\s+library/ or $last =~ /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/ or defined $_ and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/
3 3 0 /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)/
2 6 0 $last =~ /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ or $last =~ /^searching\s+(\S+)\s+library/ or $last =~ /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/ or defined $_ and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)\s+/ or defined($_ = $self->_readline) and /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)/
804 180 0 0 $v and exists $v->{'evalue2'} or defined $e2
979 0 0 40 /(\S+)\s+searches\s+a\s+(protein\s+or\s+DNA\s+)? sequence/iox or /(\S+)\s+compares\s+a/io
1072 0 0 0 /^\s*vs\s+(\S+)/ || /^Library:\s+(\S+)/
1109 674 667 2008 $count == 1 or $count == 3
1110 670 4 198 /^\s+\d+/ or /^\s+$/
1127 0 0 0 /^\s+$/ or length $_ == 0
1173 674 0 8 @{$data[0];} or @{$data[2];}
1389 0 0 0 defined $name || defined $self->{'_elements'}
0 0 0 not defined $name || defined $self->{'_elements'} or scalar @{$self->{'_elements'};} == 0
1391 0 0 0 $_ eq $name or $_ eq $Bio::SearchIO::fasta::MODEMAP{$name}
1417 6719 0 1775 $self->{'_elements'}[0] eq $name || exists $Bio::SearchIO::fasta::MODEMAP{$name} && $self->{'_elements'}[0] eq $Bio::SearchIO::fasta::MODEMAP{$name}
1475 690 0 0 $self->{'_idlength'} || $Bio::SearchIO::fasta::IDLENGTH