Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 93 136 68.3

line true false branch
208 0 519 unless $hit
209 0 519 unless ref $hit and $hit->isa('Bio::Search::Hit::HitI')
216 0 519 if (defined $filter)
217 0 0 if (ref $filter eq 'CODE') { }
218 0 0 &$filter($_) ? :
239 415 104 unless @hsps
323 0 1 if ($t and ref $t eq 'ARRAY') { }
361 12 0 if (/query/)
366 0 0 if (/subject|hit/)
378 0 12 $qseq->strand && $qseq->strand < 0 ? :
0 12 $qseq->strand && $qseq->strand < 0 ? :
391 0 12 $hseq->strand && $hseq->strand < 0 ? :
0 12 $hseq->strand && $hseq->strand < 0 ? :
451 531 7 unless (defined $$self{"identities_${type}_${action}_$context"})
479 0 538 unless (defined $$self{"conserved_${type}_${action}_$context"})
508 1 1050 unless (defined $$self{"length_${type}_${action}_$context"})
544 0 1058 unless ($method and grep /^$method$/, ('identical', 'conserved'))
548 0 1058 unless (grep /^$denom/, ('total', 'aligned'))
554 529 529 if ($_ eq 'identical')
558 529 0 if ($_ eq 'conserved')
566 1046 12 unless (defined $self->{$key})
568 0 1046 if (/total/)
573 1046 0 if (/aligned/)
667 4 0 unless ($$self{"frac_aligned_${type}_${action}_$context"})
719 0 0 unless (defined $$self{"num_unaligned_${type}_${action}_$context"})
771 203 129 unless (defined $$self{"coverage_map_${type}_$context"})
777 0 332 unless (defined $$self{"coverage_map_${type}_$context"})
827 0 0 if ($legend_q)
855 0 5229 if @_
872 519 1249 if @_
896 403 629 unless defined $context
897 0 629 unless $$self{"_contexts_$type"}{$context}
953 0 0 if @_
995 0 207 unless ($self->{'hsps'})
1113 204 328 if ($action eq 'fast')
1133 328 204 if ($action ne 'fast')
1137 393 991 $action eq 'max' ? :
1141 788 976 if ($_ eq 'est')
1151 483 493 if ($_ eq 'max')
1158 40 443 $acc_i > $inc_i ? :
1159 49 434 $acc_c > $inc_c ? :
1162 493 0 if (not $_ or $_ eq 'exact')
1230 2 269 if (my $rewind = shift())
1237 3 266 if $FINISHED
1246 1086 3396 unless ($finished_incrementing)
1247 823 263 if ($n == $#$hsps) { }
1253 3 263 unless $finished_incrementing
1289 2 268 unless (defined $$self{"_tiling_iterator_${type}_$context"})
1305 0 8297 unless grep /^$$typeref$/, ('hit', 'query', 'subject')
1306 266 8031 if $$typeref eq 'subject'
1313 17 3704 if (not $$actionref) { }
1314 13 4 $self->_has_sequence_data ? :
1317 0 3704 unless grep /^$$actionref$/, ('est', 'exact', 'fast', 'max')
1318 12 3692 if ($$actionref ne 'est' and not $self->_has_sequence_data)
1329 298 4315 if (not $$contextref) { }
1330 0 298 unless $self->mapping($type) == 1
1335 0 4315 if ($$contextref =~ /^[mp]$/)
1336 0 4315 unless $$contextref =~ /all|[mp][0-2_]/
1362 0 546 unless defined $strand or defined $frame
1363 211 335 if (defined $strand and $self->_has_strand($type)) { }
1364 94 117 if (defined $frame and $self->_has_frame($type)) { }
1365 53 41 $strand >= 0 ? :
1368 86 31 $strand >= 0 ? :
1372 0 335 if (defined $frame and $self->_has_frame($type)) { }
1411 0 2253 unless defined $self->hit
1412 2237 16 ($self->hit->hsps)[0]->seq_str('match') ? :
1424 0 0 unless defined $self->mapping($type)
1470 4 4 unless (defined $$self{"_contig_intersection_${type}_$context"})