Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 18 55.5

line true false branch
167 0 3 unless (defined $aln)
172 0 3 unless ($aln->is_flush)
176 3 0 unless defined $phase
177 0 0 if ($phase != 0 and $phase != 1 and $phase != 2)
183 1 2 if (not defined $sitemodel or $sitemodel =~ /all/i) { }
2 0 elsif ($sitemodel =~ /cod(on)?/i) { }
201 181 1481 if (keys %set > 1 or $includefixed)
225 0 5250 if (length $site < 3)
242 812 0 if (keys %set > 1 or $includefixed)