Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 47 40.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
139 0 0 2 defined $aln and ref $aln
0 0 2 defined $aln and ref $aln and $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI')
144 0 0 2 defined $m and $method =~ /$m/i
214 6724 3972 31488 $m1 ne '-' and $m2 ne '-'
264 0 12816 18672 $t1 ne 'X' and $t1 eq $t2
12816 0 0 $t1 eq 'B' and $t2 =~ /[DN]/
12816 0 0 $t2 eq 'B' and $t1 =~ /[DN]/
12816 0 0 $t1 eq 'Z' and $t2 =~ /[EQ]/
12816 0 0 $t2 eq 'Z' and $t1 =~ /[EQ]/
12816 0 0 $t1 eq 'X' and $t2 eq 'X'
306 0 0 2 defined $aln && $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
142 2 0 $method ||= 'Kimura'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
264 0 0 12816 $t1 eq 'B' and $t2 =~ /[DN]/ or $t2 eq 'B' and $t1 =~ /[DN]/
0 0 12816 $t1 eq 'Z' and $t2 =~ /[EQ]/ or $t2 eq 'Z' and $t1 =~ /[EQ]/
0 0 12816 $t1 eq 'B' and $t2 =~ /[DN]/ or $t2 eq 'B' and $t1 =~ /[DN]/ or ($t1 eq 'Z' and $t2 =~ /[EQ]/ or $t2 eq 'Z' and $t1 =~ /[EQ]/)
0 0 12816 $t1 eq 'X' or $t2 eq 'X'