Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 109 161 67.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1214 0 9 defined $data{'-trees'} and scalar @{$data{'-trees'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
272 20 0 0 $self->{'_summary'} and not $self->{'_summary'}{'multidata'}
279 2 63 8 $seqtype eq 'CODONML' and /^pairwise comparison, codon frequencies:/
63 1 1 $seqtype eq 'AAML' and /^ML distances of aa seqs\.$/
5 47 5 not $has_model_line and /^TREE/
52 1 4 not $has_model_line and /^TREE/ and $seqtype eq 'CODONML'
48 2 2 not $has_model_line and /^TREE/ and $seqtype eq 'CODONML' and not $self->{'_summary'}{'version'} =~ /4/
322 0 2 0 $tree and ref $tree
0 2 0 $tree and ref $tree and $tree->isa('Bio::Tree::Tree')
346 30 0 14 $n->is_Leaf and $n->id
478 108 51 6 /\s+?\d+?\s+?\d+?/ and $self->{'_already_parsed_seqs'} != 1
19 134 5 @lines >= 3 and $self->{'_already_parsed_seqs'} != 1
147 6 0 /Printing out site pattern counts/ and $self->{'_already_parsed_seqs'} != 1
726 11 4 1 $type eq 'ML' and not @names
15 1 0 $type eq 'ML' and not @names and @vl
819 67 6 13 /^\s+$/ and @seqs > 0
904 82 16 0 /^\s+$/ and exists $self->{'_summary'}{'ngmatrix'}
922 15 67 218 $rest and $rest =~ /(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*\(\-?(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)\)/g
934 14 0 2 $self->{'_summary'}{'seqtype'} eq 'YN00' and @seqs
995 0 0 112 defined $t && length $t
0 0 112 defined $omega && length $omega
1113 0 0 13 not %match and @ids
1296 0 8 0 $tree and ref $tree
0 8 0 $tree and ref $tree and $tree->isa('Bio::Tree::Tree')
1321 72 0 40 $n->is_Leaf and $n->id
1415 2 54 9 $okay and /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(\**)\s+(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+\+\-\s+(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/
2 46 8 $okay and /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\-?\d*(?:.\d+))(\**)\s+(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/
2 38 8 $okay and /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\S)\s+([\d\.\-\+]+)(\**)/
1652 19 0 1 $self->{'_dir'} and -d $self->{'_dir'}
19 0 1 $self->{'_dir'} and -d $self->{'_dir'} and -r $self->{'_dir'}
1655 0 0 1 -e $rstfile and not -z $rstfile
1825 61 0 0 $seqcount and $seqcount == @seqs

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
276 14 2 4 $seqtype eq 'CODONML' or $seqtype eq 'AAML'
279 7 0 57 /^Model\s+(\d+)/ or not $has_model_line and /^TREE/ and $seqtype eq 'CODONML' and not $self->{'_summary'}{'version'} =~ /4/
585 16 0 9 /^ns\s+=\s+/ or /^Frequencies/
608 42 14 866 $okay or /^Codon position x base \(3x4\) table\, overall/
647 0 1 33 /^TREE/ or /^AA distances/
652 11 1 20 /^\s+$/ or /^\(Ambiguity/
774 11 0 88 /^Codon\s+(usage|position)/ or /Model/
905 0 0 82 /^\s+$/ or /^NOTE:/i
1075 0 0 162 /^Node\s+\&/ or /^\s+N37/
0 0 162 /^Node\s+\&/ or /^\s+N37/ or /^(CODONML|AAML|YN00|BASEML)/
0 0 162 /^Node\s+\&/ or /^\s+N37/ or /^(CODONML|AAML|YN00|BASEML)/ or /^\*\*/
0 11 151 /^Node\s+\&/ or /^\s+N37/ or /^(CODONML|AAML|YN00|BASEML)/ or /^\*\*/ or /^Detailed output identifying parameters/
1187 59 7 2 $okay or /^Model\s+\d+/
66 2 0 $okay or /^Model\s+\d+/ or /^TREE/
1410 33 3 80 /^\s+$/ or /^\s+Pr\(w\>1\)/
1411 4 0 76 /^Time used/ or /^TREE/
1456 88 10 0 $okay or /^\s+branch\s+t/
1488 0 0 28 /^TREE/ or /^Distances/
1490 10 0 16 /^\s+$/ or /^\(Ambiguity/
1666 1 0 613 /^Check\sroot\sfor\sdirections\sof\schange\./ or /^Summary\sof\schanges\salong\sbranches\./
1696 1 3 131 /^Site/i or /^\s+$/
1803 0 0 0 @overall_seq != @overall_site or @overall_seq != @seqs