Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 81 200 40.5

line true false branch
240 0 1 unless (open my $FILE, '<', $self->{'filename'})
245 114 7547 if /^AF/
250 581 1 unless $f =~ /\.singlets$/
253 0 1 unless (open my $S_FILE, '<', $singlet_file)
257 65 1226 if /^>/
422 0 0 unless ($contig)
451 0 0 unless $self->{'contigs'}{$currkey}{'name'}
452 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$currkey}{'name'} eq "$name")
457 0 0 if ($count == 1)
481 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$currkey}{'name'} and $self->{'contigs'}{$currkey}{'name'} eq "$name")
522 0 0 if (not $self->{'contigs'}{$name}) { }
555 488 7173 if (not $line) { }
910 6263 elsif ($in_contig) { }
910 5353 elsif ($in_quality) { }
53 5300 elsif ($line =~ /^BQ/) { }
53 5247 elsif ($line =~ /^CO/) { }
0 5247 elsif ($line =~ /^BSDEPRECATED/) { }
114 5133 elsif ($line =~ /^AF/) { }
563 910 0 if ($in_contig == 1)
569 0 910 if (not $line) { }
581 857 53 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$contig_number}{'quality'} and not $self->{'contigs'}{$contig_number}{'quality'} =~ /\ $/)
605 0 53 if ($2 eq 'C')
631 57 57 if (not $top) { }
633 0 57 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$contig_number}{'contig_direction'} eq 'C') { }
658 0 57 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$contig_number}{'contig_direction'} eq 'C') { }
735 0 0 if ($ignore_case eq 'yes')
767 0 0 unless ($self->{'doublets_set'})
773 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'class'} eq 'singlet')
782 0 0 if (not $self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'quality'}) { }
825 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'class'} eq 'doublet')
887 0 0 if ($dash_present eq 'yes') { }
926 118 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key_contig}{'member_array'})
932 46 72 if (@{$self->{'contigs'}{$key_contig}{'member_array'};} == 2) { }
68 4 elsif (@{$self->{'contigs'}{$key_contig}{'member_array'};} == 1) { }
4 0 elsif (@{$self->{'contigs'}{$key_contig}{'member_array'};} >= 3) { }
936 45 1 if defined $name
937 45 1 if ($name) { }
955 3 65 unless ($self->{'contigs'}{$key_contig}{'class'})
990 0 1 if $^O =~ /mswin/i
997 0 1 unless (-f $singletsfile)
1007 65 1226 if (/\>/) { }
1008 64 1 if ($name and $sequence)
1020 0 65 unless ($name)
1027 1 0 if ($name and $sequence)
1056 0 3 unless ($self->{'singlets_set'})
1067 53 301 if (not $self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'}) { }
195 106 elsif ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'} eq 'singlet') { }
1094 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'} eq "$name" or $self->{'contigs'}{'name'} eq "$name")
1099 0 0 if ($return) { }
1119 0 0 if $^O =~ /mswin/i
1123 0 0 if (-f $singletsfile) { }
1135 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\>/) { }
1141 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$identity})
1171 0 0 if $^O =~ /mswin/i
1175 0 0 if (-f $singletsfile) { }
1187 0 0 if ($line =~ /^\>/) { }
1193 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$identity})
1218 354 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'})
1219 12 342 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'} eq 'multiplet')
1244 0 0 if ($key =~ /^singlet/) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'member_array'}) { }
1294 2 0 if ($multiplet_count)
1300 14 0 unless (${$_;})
1304 0 2 unless ($multiplet_count)
1305 1 1 if ($total_only)
1368 354 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'}) { }
1374 354 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'member_array'})
1378 9 195 if ($num_array_elem == 1 and $self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'} and $self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'} eq 'singleton')
1401 354 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'member_array'})
1402 3 351 if (@{$self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'member_array'};} == 2 and $self->{'contigs'}{$key}{'class'} eq 'pair')
1452 92 0 if ($name)
1455 92 0 if ($suffix)
1459 92 0 if ($suffix)
1460 92 0 if ($suffix =~ /^$forward_designator/ or $suffix =~ /^$reverse_designator/) { }
1472 91 1 if $name_nodir[0] eq $name_nodir[$counter]
1475 45 1 if ($mismatch == 0) { }
1497 0 3 unless ($self->{'doublets_set'})
1503 135 219 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'name'} and $self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'class'} eq 'doublet')
1555 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'quality'}) { }
1565 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$_}{'quality'}) { }
1574 0 0 if (not $self->get_name($pair)) { }
1585 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$contig_number}{'quality'}) { }
1624 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$current_contig}{'class'} eq 'doublet')
1628 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$current_contig}{'top_complement'} eq 'C')
1632 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$current_contig}{'bottom_complement'} eq 'C')
1670 0 0 if (/^BEGIN_DNA/)
1671 0 0 if (/^END_DNA/)
1672 0 0 unless ($in_dna)
1713 0 0 unless (@$r_source)
1717 0 0 unless s/c/g/ or s/g/c/ or s/a/t/
1747 0 0 if ($self->{'contigs'}{$current_contig}{'class'} eq 'doublet')
1760 0 0 if ($qualities[$count] == 0)
1767 0 0 if (not $bottom_quality_here or 1 - $self->{'contigs'}{$current_contig}{'bottom_start'} + $count < 0)
1770 0 0 unless ($top_quality_here)
1774 0 0 if ($count < $number_leading_xs) { }
1803 0 0 if ($bottom_quality_here eq 'not found') { }
0 0 elsif ($top_quality_here eq 'not found') { }
1831 0 0 if ($bottom_quality > $top_quality) { }
1839 0 0 if (not $quality) { }
1850 0 0 unless (not @qualities)