Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 58 65.5

line true false branch
88 9 0 if (not defined $self->sequence_factory)
112 9 6 unless (/\.\.$/)
114 6 9 if (/\.\.$/)
115 6 0 if (/Check\:\s(\d+)\s/)
116 6 0 if (/Type:\s(\w)\s/)
117 6 0 if (/(\S+)\s+Length/)
119 6 0 if (/Length:\s+(\d+)\s+(\S.+\S)\s+Type/)
124 2 6 unless defined $_
131 0 86 if (/\.\.$/)
135 43 43 if $_ eq "\n"
142 6 0 if (defined $chksum)
143 0 6 unless (_validate_checksum(uc $sequence, $chksum))
150 6 0 if (defined $id)
154 6 0 if (defined $type)
155 0 6 if ($type eq 'N')
156 6 0 if ($type eq 'P')
181 0 3 unless defined $seq and ref $seq and $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')
184 0 3 if $seq->display_id =~ /\s/
190 0 3 $seq->alphabet =~ /[dr]na/i ? :
193 3 0 if ($seq->can('get_dates')) { }
213 24 84 if ($j % 50 == 0)
218 84 24 if ($j < $len and $j % 50 != 0) { }
21 3 elsif ($j % 50 == 0) { }
225 3 0 if ($j % 50 != 0)
229 0 3 unless $self->_print(@out)
232 3 0 if $self->_flush_on_write and defined $self->_fh
261 105 6175 if ($index == 57)
295 32 1904 if $cnt == 57
301 6 0 if ($parsed_sum == $computed_sum) { }