Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 74 66.2

line true false branch
186 1 865 if $meta
187 1 865 if $forceflush
227 84 59 unless $_
247 851 713 if (defined $value)
250 721 130 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
130 0 elsif (not ref $value) { }
261 5 846 if ($diff > 0)
270 19 1545 if $self->force_flush
299 0 0 unless $self->seq
304 0 0 if $m eq '-' and $s ne $m
398 0 2144 unless $start =~ /^[+]?\d+$/ and $start > 0
402 12 2132 if (defined $value) { }
405 0 12 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
12 0 elsif (not ref $value) { }
416 0 12 if $start + scalar(@{$arrayref;} - 1) > $self->length
419 2 10 unless $end
424 0 12 if ($diff > 0)
430 2 10 if $self->force_flush
437 0 2132 if ($end > $meta_len)
442 0 2132 if $end > $self->length
485 19 36 unless $_ eq $DEFAULT_NAME
487 36 0 if $self->{'_meta'}{$DEFAULT_NAME}
543 7 1590 if (defined $value)
544 5 2 if ($value) { }
575 10 26 if ($self->length > $self->named_meta_length($name)) { }
4 22 elsif ($self->length < $self->named_meta_length($name)) { }
605 5 9 if $self->force_flush
610 0 9 if ($name) { }
611 0 0 if $self->length != $self->named_meta_length($name)
614 0 16 if $self->named_meta_length($m) > 0 and $self->length != $self->named_meta_length($m)
618 0 9 if ($sticky)
619 0 0 if $self->verbose
646 0 9 unless $self->is_flush
672 0 54 unless $start =~ /^[+]?\d+$/ and $start > 0
674 0 54 unless $end =~ /^[+]?\d+$/ and $end > 0
676 0 54 unless $end >= $start
678 0 54 unless $end <= $self->length