Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 41 75.6

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
602 1437 0 $self->{'_hit_factory'} || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
207 69 0 173 $algo_r ||= $prog_ref
267 242 0 127 defined $value or not defined $previous
287 136 0 50 defined $value or not defined $previous
318 1175 0 0 $self->hit_factory || $self->throw('Tried to get a Hit, but it was a hash ref and we have no hit factory')
340 234 4 153 defined $value or not defined $previous
360 174 2 17 defined $value or not defined $previous
402 146 3 112 defined $value or not defined $previous
423 196 9 28 defined $value or not defined $previous
445 105 0 35 defined $value or not defined $previous
468 95 4 27 defined $value or not defined $previous
490 94 5 25 defined $value or not defined $previous
576 4680 63 0 ref $s eq 'HASH' or $s->isa('Bio::Search::Hit::HitI')
704 82 0 0 $self->hit_factory || $self->throw('Tried to get a Hit, but it was a hash ref and we have no hit factory')