Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 89 39.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
374 2 2 not -x $exe and scalar @util_to_use
497 2 2 not -x $exe and scalar @util_to_use

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
192 2 1 3 defined $date and $date =~ /[\D-]+/
230 0 0 0 $option and not $option =~ /hms/i
258 5 0 1 $option =~ /hms/i and not $converting
575 0 1 0 $file and -e $file
616 0 1 3 defined $value and $value ne ''
718 0 0 0 -B $dir . $line and not -d $dir . $line
998 0 0 0 $chars[$i] eq "\r" and $chars[$i + 1] eq "\n"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
186 5 1 $option ||= 'yyyy-mm-dd'
373 0 2 $exe ||= ''
496 0 2 $exe ||= ''
577 0 1 $fmt ||= 'yyyy-mm-dd'
611 1 3 $relax ||= 0
698 0 0 $$href{-'DIR'} || './'
699 0 0 $$href{-'PRINT'} || 0
750 0 0 $get ||= 'all'
751 0 0 $fmt ||= 'yyyy-mm-dd'
1059 1 0 $flavors{$octal} || 'unknown'
1147 0 0 $subj ||= 'empty subject'
0 0 $message ||= ''
1264 0 0 $query ||= 'Yes or no'
1290 0 0 shift() || 'data'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
260 1 0 0 $date ||= "${hour}:${min}:$sec"
263 6 0 0 $date || join(' ', @date)
307 0 0 12 $num < 1 or $num > 12
384 1 0 1 defined $outfile or $tmp
1 1 0 defined $outfile or $tmp or not -O $fileName
510 1 0 1 defined $outfile or $tmp
1 0 1 defined $outfile or $tmp or not -O $fileName
829 0 0 1 $file ||= $handle
921 1 0 0 $client->{'_input_type'} eq 'STDIN' or $client->{'_input_type'} eq 'FileHandle'
1 0 0 $client->{'_input_type'} eq 'STDIN' or $client->{'_input_type'} eq 'FileHandle' or $client->{'_input_type'} eq 'Glob'
925 1 0 0 $Bio::Root::Utilities::NEWLINE || $Bio::Root::Utilities::DEFAULT_NEWLINE
1083 0 0 0 $self->{'_auth_email'} || $Bio::Root::Utilities::AUTHORITY