Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
199 11 132 if (@args % 2 == 0 and $args[0] =~ /^-/) { }
208 10 133 if (defined $value) { }
209 0 10 if $value =~ /^\d+$/ and $value == 0
210 2 8 if $value eq ''
236 120 0 if ($Error::Debug)
239 9 111 $self->value ne $DEFAULT_VALUE ? :
275 547 150 if ($stack[$i] =~ /^\s*([^(]+)\s*\(.*\) called at (\S+) line (\d+)/ or $stack[$i] =~ /^\s*(require 0) called at (\S+) line (\d+)/) { }
283 120 427 if ($stack_count == 1)
289 0 427 if ($method =~ /__ANON__/)
292 0 427 if ($method =~ /^require/ and $file =~ /Error\.pm/ or $method =~ /^Error::subs::try/)