Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 102 170 60.0

line true false branch
238 4 0 if $seq
241 1 3 $enzymes ? :
277 6 10 if (@_)
279 0 6 unless $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')
281 0 6 unless $seq->alphabet eq 'dna'
310 2 0 if (@_)
312 2 0 unless $self->{'_enzymes'}
365 0 10 unless $self->seq
368 3 7 if ($opt and uc $opt eq 'MULTIPLE') { }
369 0 3 unless $ec
424 0 8 unless $self->{'_cut'}
425 0 8 unless $enz
429 8 0 defined $self->{'_cut_positions'}{$enz} ? :
452 3 15 unless $self->{'_cut'}
453 0 18 unless $enz
515 1 20 unless $self->{'_cut'}
516 0 21 unless $enz
525 13 8 if (ref $enz eq '' and exists $self->{'_cut_positions'}{$enz}) { }
5 3 elsif ($enz->isa('Bio::Restriction::EnzymeI')) { }
2 1 elsif ($enz->isa('Bio::Restriction::EnzymeCollection')) { }
534 4 17 unless (defined $cut_positions[0])
545 4 0 defined $self->{'_frag_map_list'}{$enz} ? :
551 50 22 if $i != $cuts[$#cuts]
556 1 66 unless $stop
562 0 17 if ($start > $stop) { }
571 6 11 if ($self->{'_seq'}->is_circular)
589 17 0 defined $self->{'_frag_map_list'}{$enz} ? :
620 0 3 unless $enz
623 1 2 if (&blessed($enz))
624 0 1 unless $enz->isa('Bio::Restriction::EnzymeI')
628 0 3 unless $self->{'_cut'}
632 0 9 $kb ? :
637 0 3 $kb ? :
638 1 2 if ($self->{'_seq'}->is_circular)
643 0 3 $sort ? :
666 0 4 unless defined $enz
668 0 4 unless $self->{'_cut'}
702 1 4 unless $self->{'_cut'}
705 4 1 if (defined $a) { }
706 0 4 unless $a =~ /^[+]?\d+$/
712 0 5 if $start > $self->{'maximum_cuts'}
714 0 5 if (defined $z) { }
4 1 elsif (defined $a) { }
715 0 0 unless $z =~ /^[+]?\d+$/ and $z >= $a
724 0 5 if $end > $self->{'maximum_cuts'}
728 0 5 unless $self->{'maximum_cuts'}
732 8 5 if defined $self->{'_number_of_cuts_by_cuts'}{$i}
807 58 9517 if $enz->can('others')
821 4286 5355 if ($self->{'_seq'}->is_circular)
827 868 8773 unless ($enzyme->is_symmetric)
834 432 436 if ($self->{'_seq'}->is_circular)
841 1717 7858 if (defined $all_cuts[0]) { }
847 565 2071 if $i != ${$self->{'_cut_positions'}{$enz->name};}[$#{$self->{'_cut_positions'}{$enz->name};}]
866 24 9551 if ($number_of_cuts > $self->{'maximum_cuts'})
890 0 0 $comp ? :
892 0 0 unless defined $site
909 0 0 if ($site <= 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($site >= $enz->seq->length) { }
920 0 0 if ($enz->is_ambiguous)
964 0 0 if ($new_left_cut == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($new_left_cut == $enz->seq->length) { }
977 0 0 if ($enz->is_ambiguous) { }
986 0 0 if $self->{'_seq'}->is_circular
1027 0 0 if ($#cuts) { }
1031 0 0 if ($i == 0) { }
1085 0 0 $comp ? :
1113 0 0 $comp ? :
1114 0 0 if ($beforeseq eq '.')
1115 0 0 if ($afterseq eq '.')
1119 0 0 if $index_posn == -1
1156 0 15481 unless $_
298 14951 $enz->can('others') ? :
1160 1370 14111 $comp ? :
1163 5810 9671 if ($recog =~ /[^\w]/) { }
1167 864 4946 unless ($enz->is_palindromic)
1171 429 435 $comp ? :
1184 1943 7728 unless ($enz->is_palindromic)
1186 939 1004 $comp ? :
1212 0 3 unless $self->{'_cut'}
1219 15 0 if defined $self->{'_cut_positions'}{$enz->name}
1228 0 3 if ($number_of_cuts > $self->{'maximum_cuts'})
1247 4718 0 length $target > 20 ? :
1258 0 4718 unless $cut_positions
1267 2 273 if ($cut == length $last) { }
150 123 elsif ($cut < length $last) { }