Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 102 68.6

line true false branch
375 0 11271 if ($self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeq')) { }
401 0 11337 if ($alphabet eq 'protein')
404 0 11337 if ($alphabet ne 'dna' and $alphabet ne 'rna')
407 0 0 if ($self->can('warn')) { }
415 1 11336 if ($alphabet eq 'rna')
424 1 11336 if ($alphabet eq 'rna')
447 2 318 if (defined $start and ref $start and $start->isa('Bio::LocationI')) { }
0 318 elsif (not $end) { }
0 318 elsif ($end < $start) { }
465 8 312 if ($self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeq')) { }
585 24 263 if ($args[0] and $args[0] =~ /^-[A-Z]+/i) { }
606 283 4 unless defined $terminator and $terminator ne ''
607 286 1 unless defined $unknown and $unknown ne ''
608 267 20 unless defined $frame and $frame ne ''
609 267 20 unless defined $codonTableId and $codonTableId ne ''
613 1 286 if ($codonTable) { }
614 0 1 unless $codonTable->isa('Bio::Tools::CodonTable')
624 0 287 if $self->alphabet =~ /protein/i
628 1 286 if ($start_codon)
629 0 1 unless $start_codon =~ /^[A-Z]{3}$/i
634 0 287 if ($offset) { }
635 0 0 unless $offset =~ /^[123]$/
644 12 275 if ($orf) { }
645 2 10 $orf eq 'longest' ? :
649 0 13 unless $frame == 0 or $frame == 1 or $frame == 2
661 9 277 if ($complete)
664 9 0 if (substr($output, -1, 1) eq $terminator) { }
667 0 0 if $throw
671 2 7 if ($output =~ /\Q$terminator\E/)
673 2 0 if $throw
677 3 4 if (substr($output, 0, 1) ne 'M')
678 3 0 if ($codonTable->is_start_codon(substr($seq, 0, 3))) { }
0 0 elsif ($throw) { }
692 3 281 if ($self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeq')) { }
728 1 1 unless $self->alphabet eq 'dna'
737 0 1 if ($self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeq')) { }
774 0 1 unless $self->alphabet eq 'rna'
783 0 1 if ($self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq') or $self->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeq')) { }
897 1 13 if $start_codon
901 1 13 $start_codon ? :
920 530 709 if ($current_orf_start[$frame] >= 0) { }
44 665 elsif (&$is_start($this_codon)) { }
921 44 486 if ($codon_table->is_ter_codon($this_codon) or my $is_last_codon_in_frame = $j >= $seqlen - 5)
926 10 34 if ($first_only and $frame == $start_frame_order[0])
927 4 6 if $is_last_codon_in_frame
950 0 4 CORE::length $seq > 200 ? :
956 0 15 unless $orf
975 0 0 if ($main::main::{'Bio::PrimarySeq'}) { }
981 0 0 if ($@)
1000 11 0 if ($self->can_call_new) { }
1007 0 11 if ($seqclass eq 'Bio::PrimarySeq')