Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 100 63.0

line true false branch
101 0 149 if ($@) { }
238 67 61 if ($self->has_tag($arg))
377 0 0 unless $formatter
398 1 0 unless (defined $static_gff_formatter)
460 122 16 if ($self->entire_seq->is_circular)
465 7 131 !grep({$_ =~ /(?:nosort|db|phase)/;} @args) ? :
466 0 138 if (@args and $old_api)
469 0 0 if @args
470 0 0 if @args
471 0 0 if @args
474 2 3 if (defined $phase and $phase < 0 || $phase > 2)
479 0 138 if ($db and ref $db and not $db->isa('Bio::DB::RandomAccessI')) { }
0 138 elsif (defined $db and $Bio::SeqFeatureI::HasInMemory and $db->isa('Bio::DB::InMemoryCache')) { }
488 114 24 unless ($self->location->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI'))
489 2 112 if ($phase) { }
503 0 24 unless ($self->location->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI'))
518 0 24 if ($self->isa('Bio::Das::SegmentI') and not $self->absolute)
526 2 22 if (not $nosort) { }
535 2 3 unless defined $fstrand
536 0 5 if defined $_->strand and $fstrand != $_->strand
538 5 0 if (defined $_->seq_id)
539 2 3 if $_->seq_id ne $seqid
545 1 1 if ($fstrand == 1) { }
1 0 elsif ($fstrand == -1) { }
554 0 2 if ($mixed)
575 0 107 unless ($loc->isa('Bio::Location::Atomic'))
579 0 107 if ($fstrand != $loc->strand)
584 105 2 if (defined $loc->seq_id) { }
588 2 103 if ($loc_seq_id ne $seqid) { }
592 0 2 if (defined $db) { }
598 0 0 if ($@)
609 2 0 unless (defined $called_seq)
618 23 80 unless (defined($last_id && $last_id eq $loc_seq_id))
636 103 2 if (defined $called_seq_seq) { }
644 0 105 if ($called_seq_len < $loc->end)
653 0 105 if ($self->isa('Bio::Das::SegmentI')) { }
661 103 2 if (defined $called_seq_seq) { }
670 105 0 if (defined $self->location->guide_strand) { }
674 0 0 defined $loc->strand ? :
677 0 0 if ($strand == -1) { }
688 103 2 if defined $loc_seq_id
692 24 0 defined $self->location->guide_strand ? :
693 11 13 if ($guide_strand == -1)
698 0 24 if (defined $phase)
753 58 58 if (@_)
754 0 58 if ($self->has_tag('ID'))
802 3 3 if (@_)
803 0 3 if $self->has_tag('phase')
805 0 3 unless not defined $newphase or $newphase == 0 or $newphase == 1 or $newphase == 2
811 2 1 $self->has_tag('phase') ? :