Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 59 118 50.0

line true false branch
177 0 179 unless defined $parent or $chunk
179 179 0 if $parent
181 145 34 if ($chunk)
183 145 0 if (ref $chunk eq 'ARRAY') { }
192 34 145 if $hsp_data
199 34 34 if (@_)
271 18 0 if defined $type
272 0 18 if defined $type and $type =~ /subject|sbjct/
273 4 14 if not defined $type or $type eq 'hsp' or not $type =~ /query|hit|subject|sbjct|total/
297 0 0 if defined $type
298 0 0 if defined $type and $type =~ /subject|sbjct/
299 0 0 if not defined $type or $type eq 'hsp' or not $type =~ /query|hit|subject|sbjct|total/
347 0 0 if defined $type
348 0 0 if not defined $type or $type eq 'hsp' or not $type =~ /query|hit|subject|sbjct|total/
349 0 0 if $type =~ /sbjct|subject/
351 0 0 if ($type eq 'total')
420 0 36 unless defined $type
423 10 26 if ($type =~ /^q/i) { }
10 16 elsif ($type =~ /^(hit|subject|sbjct)/) { }
481 4 0 if ($hs and $qs)
526 0 164 if $seqType eq 'sbjct'
529 102 62 if ($t eq 'q') { }
62 0 elsif ($t eq 's' or $t eq 'h') { }
541 71 93 if ($t eq 'c') { }
54 39 elsif ($t eq 'i') { }
35 4 elsif ($t eq 'n') { }
4 0 elsif ($t eq 'g') { }
542 36 35 if ($class eq 'conserved-not-identical') { }
567 35 129 if ($class eq 'conservedall_inds') { }
576 0 164 $collapse ? :
661 0 14 unless defined $val
664 6 8 if ($val =~ /^q/i) { }
8 0 elsif ($val =~ /^hi|^s/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /^list|array/i) { }
694 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 14 unless defined $val
697 6 8 if ($val =~ /^q/i) { }
8 0 elsif ($val =~ /^(hi|s)/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /^list|array/i) { }
727 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 14 unless defined $val
730 6 8 if ($val =~ /^q/i) { }
8 0 elsif ($val =~ /^(hi|s)/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /^list|array/i) { }
760 0 12 if $seqType eq 'sbjct'
761 0 12 if ($seqType =~ /^(m|ho)/i)
767 4 6 $seqType =~ /^q/i ? :
768 8 2 $id ? :
800 7 12 if ($type =~ /^q/i) { }
10 2 elsif ($type =~ /^(s)|(hi)/i) { }
2 0 elsif ($type =~ /^(ho)|(ma)/i) { }
853 0 0 if $seqType eq 'sbjct'
856 0 0 if (not +(defined $beg || defined $end) && $self->seq_str('match')) { }
864 0 0 if ($beg == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($end == 0) { }
873 0 0 if ($end >= $stop) { }
879 0 0 if ($beg < $start)
885 0 0 unless (CORE::length $seq)
938 4 0 if ($seqType eq 'query') { }