Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 76 68.4

line true false branch
90 0 0 unless ($ENV{'BIOPERLDEBUG'})
150 10 524 if ($verbose >= 2) { }
474 50 elsif ($verbose <= -1) { }
10 40 elsif ($verbose == 1) { }
223 0 30 if ($class_version and $class_version =~ /set by/)
238 0 60 unless not defined $v or $v + 0 == $v
246 7 23 if ($throw_version and $class_version and $class_version >= $throw_version) { }
12 12 elsif ($warn_version and $class_version and $class_version >= $warn_version) { }
251 8 4 if $throw_version
396 91560 385121 unless $args[0] and $args[0] =~ /^\-/
398 0 385121 unless $#args % 2
488 0 6 unless ref $args
491 5 1 if (@own_args)
505 4 2 if ($methods)
507 1 3 if (ref $methods eq 'HASH') { }
515 0 9 $case ? :
519 1 5 ref $args eq 'HASH' ? :
528 3 3 if ($create)
529 1 2 unless ($methods)
530 0 3 $case ? :
534 3 5 if $self->can($method)
537 0 5 if (ref $code and ref $code eq 'HASH')
541 2 6 if (@_)
1 0 if (@_)
1 0 if (@_)
1 0 if (@_)
2 8 if (@_)
542 0 5 if $@
553 0 12 ref $syn_ref ? :
554 8 4 if $syn eq $method
555 0 4 $case ? :
556 0 4 if $self->can($syn)
565 15 0 unless $force
598 0 0 unless defined $param[0] and $param[0] =~ /^-/o and $#param % 2
687 0 0 unless ($ENV{'BIOPERLDEBUG'} or $self->verbose > 0)
732 2 0 if ($self->can('throw')) { }
734 1 1 if ($self->isa('Bio::Root::Root')) { }
774 0 0 if ($self->can('warn')) { }