Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 150 31.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
606 0 0 0 $len == 1 and $refstring =~ /[^\.\-\*\?]/
0 0 0 $len == 1 and $refstring =~ /[^\.\-\*\?]/ and $varstring =~ /[^\.\-\*\?]/
0 0 0 $refstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ and not $varstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/
0 0 0 not $refstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ and $varstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/
696 4 1 0 $self->gene->get_DNA->alphabet eq 'rna' and $self->numbering eq 'gene'
702 1 0 0 $transnumber and $transnumber >= 0
1 0 0 $transnumber and $transnumber >= 0 and $transnumber <= $#transcripts
790 0 0 0 $seqDiff->offset != 0 and $dnamut->region ne 'intron'
1004 0 5 0 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $RNAstart
5 0 0 $strand != 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $RNAstart
0 5 0 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $RNAend
5 0 0 $strand != 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $RNAend
1028 0 4 0 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel < $before
4 0 0 $strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel > $before
1053 0 0 14 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $before
0 14 0 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $after
14 0 0 $strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $before
14 0 0 $strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $after
0 2 12 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel
2 10 2 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->prelabel
0 0 12 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel
0 10 2 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->postlabel
10 0 0 $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->prelabel
10 0 0 $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->prelabel
10 0 0 $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->postlabel
10 0 0 $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->postlabel
1341 0 0 5 $self->rnachange and $self->rnachange->region eq 'coding'
1365 0 0 5 $rlenori == 1 and $rlenmut == 1
0 0 5 $rlenori == 1 and $rlenmut == 1 and $aachange->allele_ori->seq ne '*'
0 0 0 $rlenori == $rlenmut and $aachange->allele_ori->seq ne '*'
1382 0 0 0 $aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq and $aachange->RNAChange->allele_ori->seq

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
177 2 4 0 $value =~ /(coding)( )?(\d+)?/ or $value eq 'entry'
6 0 0 $value =~ /(coding)( )?(\d+)?/ or $value eq 'entry' or $value eq 'gene'
214 5 0 0 $value->seq or $value->len
293 5 0 0 $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::DNA') || $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Transcript')
898 0 5 0 $self->mutation->len == 0 || $self->mutation->len == 1
927 4 0 1 $seqDiff->numbering eq 'entry' or $seqDiff->numbering eq 'gene'
969 0 0 5 $self->mutation->prelabel > $DNAend or $self->mutation->postlabel > $DNAend
974 0 0 0 $self->mutation->postlabel == $RNAstart or follows($self->mutation->postlabel, $RNAstart)
0 0 0 $RNAend == $self->mutation->prelabel or follows($RNAend, $self->mutation->prelabel)
990 0 0 0 follows($self->mutation->prelabel, $before) or $after == $self->mutation->prelabel
0 0 0 follows($self->mutation->prelabel, $before) or $after == $self->mutation->prelabel or follows($after, $self->mutation->prelabel)
0 0 0 follows($self->mutation->prelabel, $before) or $after == $self->mutation->prelabel or follows($after, $self->mutation->prelabel) or follows($after, $self->mutation->postlabel)
1004 0 0 5 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $RNAstart or $strand != 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $RNAstart
0 0 5 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $RNAend or $strand != 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $RNAend
1028 0 0 4 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel < $before or $strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel > $before
1053 0 0 14 $strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $after or $strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $after
2 0 12 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->prelabel or $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->postlabel
2 0 10 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->prelabel or $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->postlabel or $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->prelabel
0 0 10 $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->prelabel or $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->postlabel or $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->prelabel or $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->postlabel