Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 42 73.8

line true false branch
161 1 0 if defined $usetempfile
167 0 1 if not defined $DEBUG and $self->verbose > 0
193 0 1 if ($self->use_tempfile)
194 0 0 unless $tfh = 'IO::File'->new_tmpfile
201 9 384 if (not $_ =~ /]*>/ and $start) { }
1 737 elsif ($_ =~ /]*>/ and $start) { }
208 0 384 if (defined $tfh) { }
215 1 383 if $_ =~ m[]
219 0 1 if $start
222 0 1 if (defined $tfh) { }
234 0 1 if ($DEBUG)
240 0 1 if ($@)
245 0 1 if ($DEBUG)
307 5 295 if ($nm eq 'Ss')
312 36 259 if (my $type = $MAPPING{$nm}) { }
313 9 27 if (ref $type eq 'HASH') { }
342 49 251 if ($method)
343 19 30 if ($nm =~ /^Rs/ or $nm =~ /^NSE-SeqLoc/ or $nm =~ /^FxnSet/) { }
20 10 elsif ($nm =~ /^Ss/) { }
364 195 354 if $data->{'Data'} =~ /\S/
380 1 1 if (defined $value)