Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
64 0 3 unless my $seq = shift()
69 0 3 unless ($motif_len =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ and $motif_len > 0 and $motif_len < 11)
78 2 1 if (ref $seq ne 'GLOB')
79 1 1 if (not $seq =~ /\n$/ and -e $seq) { }
81 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $tmp
94 3 6 unless $rec
96 0 6 unless $sequence and $titleline
115 6 12 if _homopolymer($motif, $len)
124 12 0 unless ($locations{$start}++)