Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 50 72.0

line true false branch
69 49 5 if ($$element{'literal'}) { }
5 0 elsif ($$element{'charclass'}) { }
73 4 1 if $$element{'charclass'}{'negate_charclass'}
78 2 52 if ($$element{'repeat'}) { }
91 17 0 if ($type eq 'dna' or $type eq 'rna') { }
137 0 54 if ($$self{'strict_thymine_uracil'})
139 0 0 if $$self{'type'} eq 'dna' and grep {$_ eq 'U';} @chars
142 0 0 if $$self{'type'} eq 'rna' and grep {$_ eq 'T';} @chars
146 2 54 $_ eq 'U' ? :
149 45 11 unless $$iupac_lookup{$_}
155 4 50 if ($$component{'negate'})
159 4 12 unless grep {$_ eq $base;} @chars
162 0 4 unless @negated
181 11 0 $_ eq 'G' ? :
7 11 $_ eq 'C' ? :
16 18 $_ eq 'T' ? :
17 34 $_ eq 'A' ? :
203 0 93 if ($$self{'type'} eq 'rna')
204 0 0 $_ eq 'T' ? :
208 93 0 unless ($$self{'strict_thymine_uracil'})
209 36 82 $_ eq 'T' || $_ eq 'U' ? :
212 55 38 if (@chars == 1) { }
218 92 1 if ($$component{'min'} == $$component{'max'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($$component{'min'} == 0 and $$component{'max'} == 1) { }
219 2 90 unless $$component{'min'} == 1