Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 107 128 83.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
84 24 27 57 defined $id1 && exists $id_hash->{$id1}
85 24 41 43 defined $id2 && exists $id_hash->{$id2}
86 51 30 27 $id1_exists and $id2_exists
172 85317 0 0 substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] && $prev =~ /[a-z]/i && $next =~ /[a-z]/i
175 133 85181 3 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq q[']
85314 0 3 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and not $quotes
85181 0 3 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and not $quotes and not $apostr
133 84912 269 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq '['
85045 267 2 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq '[' and not $ignore
113 85179 20 not $QUOTED and $COMMENTED
85292 18 2 not $QUOTED and $COMMENTED and $token eq ']'
85197 0 2 not $QUOTED and $COMMENTED and $token eq ']' and not $ignore
85197 0 113 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED
85197 110 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and $token eq q[']
110 0 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q['']
110 0 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q[''] and not $quotes
0 0 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q[''] and not $quotes and not $apostr
194 113 85182 18 not $QUOTED and $token eq ' '
85295 0 18 not $QUOTED and $token eq ' ' and not $whitespace
198 129 85062 104 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq ';'
232 0 104 18419 defined $token and defined $remainder
254 246768 32861 2232 $tokens[$i] eq ',' and $depth == 1
302 192 4033 2 defined $tail[-1] and $tail[-1] =~ /(\[.+\])$/
4225 2 0 defined $tail[-1] and $tail[-1] =~ /(\[.+\])$/ and scalar @tail != 1
336 93180 0 0 substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] && $prev =~ /[a-z]/i && $next =~ /[a-z]/i
342 62651 30262 267 $ignore and $token =~ /\[$/
345 62651 30262 267 $ignore and $token =~ /\]$/
349 23327 51167 18419 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token =~ /$TOKEN_DELIMITER/
365 23327 51164 3 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q[']
74491 0 3 not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] and not $apostr
74378 0 113 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED
74378 110 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q[']
110 0 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q['']
110 0 3 $QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q[''] and not $apostr

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
93 54 10 $dist || 0
51 13 $distp || 0
95 0 24 $id ||= ''
96 0 17 $dist ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
92 62 2 17 defined $dist or defined $distp
175 113 20 85184 $QUOTED || $COMMENTED
113 20 85181 $QUOTED || $COMMENTED
198 113 16 85166 $QUOTED || $COMMENTED
349 113 23214 69586 $QUOTED || $COMMENTED
365 113 23214 51167 $QUOTED || $COMMENTED