Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 80 91.2

line true false branch
86 27 81 if ($id1_exists and $id2_exists) { }
91 30 51 $id1_exists ? :
92 64 17 if (defined $dist or defined $distp)
95 24 57 unless defined $id
96 17 64 unless defined $dist
125 1 103 if ($ids)
133 0 104 if ($self->_args->{'-label'})
138 0 0 unless $n->get_name
170 85233 84 $i > 0 ? :
171 85233 84 $i < length $string ? :
173 0 85317 if $apostr
175 3 85314 if (not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and not $quotes and not $apostr) { }
2 85312 elsif (not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token eq '[' and not $ignore) { }
2 85310 elsif (not $QUOTED and $COMMENTED and $token eq ']' and not $ignore) { }
3 85307 elsif ($QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and $token eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q[''] and not $quotes and not $apostr) { }
194 18 85182 if (not $QUOTED and $token eq ' ' and not $whitespace)
197 85279 16 unless $COMMENTED
198 104 85191 if (not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq ';')
232 104 18419 unless defined $token and defined $remainder
239 104 0 if $tokens[$i] eq ';'
254 34793 281861 if ($tokens[$i] eq '(') { }
2232 279629 elsif ($tokens[$i] eq ',' and $depth == 1) { }
34793 244836 elsif ($tokens[$i] eq ')') { }
255 2106 32687 if (not defined $depth) { }
274 2106 32687 if ($depth == 0)
293 1999 11226 if ($clade[$i] eq ')') { }
2228 8998 elsif ($i == 0) { }
302 0 4035 if (defined $tail[-1] and $tail[-1] =~ /(\[.+\])$/ and scalar @tail != 1)
309 317 3910 if (scalar @tail == 1) { }
245 3665 elsif (scalar @tail == 2) { }
3473 192 elsif (scalar @tail == 3) { }
334 74657 18523 $i > 0 ? :
335 93076 104 $i < length $string ? :
337 0 93180 if $apostr
342 267 92913 if ($ignore and $token =~ /\[$/)
345 267 92913 if ($ignore and $token =~ /\]$/)
349 18419 74494 if (not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and $token =~ /$TOKEN_DELIMITER/)
351 10481 7938 if ($length == 1) { }
365 3 74491 if (not $QUOTED || $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] and not $apostr) { }
3 74488 elsif ($QUOTED and not $COMMENTED and substr($string, $i, 1) eq q['] and substr($string, $i, 2) ne q[''] and not $apostr) { }