Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 34 79.4

line true false branch
58 0 0 unless ($self)
90 13784 4 if (ref $obj and $obj->can('_type'))
94 11880 1904 if ($type == 2 or $type == 5 or $type == 7 or $type == 6 or $type == 4 or $type == 8)
97 116 11764 unless $id_by_type{$type}
137 14624 0 if (defined $id)
142 192 14432 if ($taxa_id)
144 125 67 if (@others == 1)
151 11878 2746 if (exists $object[$id])
156 192 14432 if (exists $one_to_one{$id})
161 145 14479 if (exists $one_to_many{$id})
198 126 144 unless $one_to_many{$one_id}
205 127 143 if (&isweak($object[$one_id]))
254 48 760 if (defined $opt{'-type'}) { }
264 304 456 exists $one_to_one{$id} ? :
301 0 38 if ($one) { }
306 0 38 if $target
308 0 0 if $one_id and $one_to_many{$one_id}