Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 79 398 19.8

line true false branch
151 11 27 unless ($LOADED_WRAPPERS)
152 0 0 if $_[0]->get_nse eq $name
0 0 if (defined $acc)
0 0 if (defined $anno)
0 0 unless ($self->is_flush)
0 0 unless $countHashes[$index]
0 0 if (exists $countHashes[$column]{$char})
0 0 $divisor > 0 ? :
0 0 if $char[$i] ne $gap
0 0 if ($col + 1 == $resnumber)
0 0 if (my $seq = $self->get_by_name($seqname))
0 0 if (defined $meta)
0 0 if (defined $desc)
0 0 unless $seq
0 0 if ($disname and $name) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $disnames->{$name}) { }
0 0 if (defined $gap)
0 0 if (defined $name)
0 0 if (defined $match) { }
0 0 if ($char[$j] eq $firstseq[$j])
0 0 if (defined $match)
0 0 unless defined $alphabet
0 0 if $pos == $self->length
0 0 unless (defined $refchar)
0 0 if $pos >= scalar @$seq
0 0 if $seq->[$pos] eq '-' or $seq->[$pos] eq '.' or $seq->[$pos] eq ' '
0 0 if defined $seq->[$pos]
0 0 if scalar @$cols != scalar @colresidues
0 0 if $cols->[$_] ne $colresidues[$_]
0 0 if ($dash) { }
0 0 elsif (@colresidues == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($alphabet eq 'protein') { }
0 0 unless $seq->isa('Bio::Seq::MetaI')
0 0 if ($len > $maxname)
0 0 unless $meta
0 0 if ($len > $maxname)
0 0 if ($len > $maxname)
0 0 if (defined $missing)
0 0 if $length_measure and not $enum{$length_measure}
0 0 unless ($self->is_flush)
0 0 unless $countHashes[$index]
0 0 if (exists $countHashes[$column]{$char})
0 0 if $_ == 0
0 0 if $_ == scalar @seqs
0 0 if $count < $len
0 0 if ($len) { }
0 0 if $count > $len
0 0 if ($len) { }
0 0 if ($length_measure eq 'short') { }
0 0 elsif ($length_measure eq 'long') { }
0 0 if (defined $score)
0 0 if ($i < $start - 1 or $i > $end - 1)
0 0 unless (exists $keep{$i})
0 0 unless (grep {not $_ =~ /^\Q$gap\E$/;} @slice)
0 0 unless ($include_gapped)
0 0 if (defined $source)
0 0 if $includeextra
0 0 if (defined $match) { }
0 0 if ($char[$j] eq $match)
153 0 11 if $@
185 0 0 if (&looks_like_instance($aln, 'Bio::Align::AlignI')) { }
190 0 0 if ($seqs[0]) { }
259 0 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and (%args) = %{$_[0];} or (%args) = &looks_like_hash(@_))
262 0 0 unless (defined $args{'-missing'} and defined $args{'-gap'} and defined $args{'-matchchar'})
272 0 0 if (scalar @values < 3)
289 0 0 if (not $old_special_symbols{$sym}) { }
0 0 elsif ($old_special_symbols{$sym} eq $new_special_symbols{$sym}) { }
301 0 0 unless ($new_special_symbols{$dummy} or $old_special_symbols{$dummy} or $dummies{$dummy})
337 4 0 if (&looks_like_instance($charlabels, 'ARRAY')) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $charlabels and not &looks_like_instance($charlabels, 'ARRAY')) { }
339 0 15 if (ref $label)
385 12 0 if (defined $raw)
386 12 0 if (&looks_like_instance($raw, 'ARRAY')) { }
389 46 0 if (defined $row)
390 46 0 if (&looks_like_instance($row, 'ARRAY')) { }
483 199 440 if $rowlength > $nchar
554 19 10 unless $seen{$gap}
586 29 29 unless $args{'-gap'}
587 58 0 unless $args{'-missing'}
588 35 23 if @states and @states == 1
632 0 0 if ($row->[$i] eq $gap) { }
633 0 0 if ($previous) { }
636 0 0 if ($previous eq $gap) { }
653 0 0 if ($previous and $previous eq $gap)
665 0 0 if ($args{'-trim'})
674 0 0 if (@starting_here)
677 0 0 if (@ending_here)
682 0 0 if (scalar @ending_here > $ntax / 2) { }
683 0 0 if $args{'-insertions'}
687 0 0 unless $args{'-insertions'}
724 2 0 unless (exists $args{"-$sym"})
737 2 2 if scalar @symbols_in_column <= 1
798 2 0 if ($total > 0)
857 2 21 unless $index{$col_pattern}
863 0 2 if ($indices) { }
898 0 1 unless ($type =~ /^(?:d|r)na/i)
904 2 4 if exists $freq->{$_}
937 0 0 if ($type =~ /continuous/i) { }
961 0 0 if (@top == 1) { }
965 0 0 if ($args{'-ambig'}) { }
973 0 0 unless ($args{'-gaps'})
976 0 0 unless ($args{'-missing'})
979 0 0 wantarray ? :
1012 0 16 if (@anno)
1043 6 7 unless exists $indices{$i}
1073 11 14 if $state eq $missing
1077 2 3 if scalar @states <= 1
1112 1 4 if scalar @states <= 1
1113 4 1 if (scalar @states > 1)
1118 4 6 if ($seen{$state} == 1) { }
1126 4 2 if $seen{$state} < $non_missing
1128 2 2 unless $seen_informative
1162 0 0 if ($state ne $m and $state ne $g)
1165 0 0 if not keys %col
1232 0 0 if (not &looks_like_number($prop) or $prop >= 1 or $prop < 0)
1272 0 0 unless (&looks_like_object($tree, 3))
1277 0 0 if ($type =~ /dna/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($type =~ /standard/i) { }
1305 0 0 if (scalar @{$self->get_entities;} < 3)
1311 0 0 if (&looks_like_class('Statistics::R'))
1315 0 0 if $seed
1321 0 0 if ($R->get('phylosim') eq 'FALSE')
1337 0 0 unless ($model)
1353 0 0 if ($random_rootseq) { }
1369 0 0 if ($m =~ /([^\:\:]+$)/)
1378 0 0 if ($type =~ /(?:F81|GTR|K80|HKY)/)
1382 0 0 if ($type =~ /GTR/)
1393 0 0 if ($type =~ /(?:K80|HKY)/)
1405 0 0 if (keys %deletions)
1417 0 0 if (keys %insertions)
1438 0 0 if (scalar @invariant)
1440 0 0 if ($pinvar == 1)
1477 0 0 if (&looks_like_class('Statistics::R'))
1485 0 0 if $seed
1502 0 0 if (keys %pat == 1) { }
1508 0 0 unless ($model)
1520 0 0 if $fw == 0
1521 0 0 if $rev == 0
1551 0 0 if ($node->is_terminal)
1583 1 119 if ($@ or $obj_container != $self->_type)
1587 0 119 unless ($self->get_type_object->is_same($obj->get_type_object))
1593 0 224 if ($obj->get_id == $ents->get_id)
1596 1 223 if ($taxon1)
1599 0 1 if ($taxon2 and $taxon1->get_id == $taxon2->get_id)
1653 0 0 unless (exists $seen{$state})
1680 44 4 if (my $taxa = $self->get_taxa) { }
1684 105 11 if (my $taxon = $row->get_taxon)
1685 105 0 if exists $taxa{$taxon->get_name}
1688 11 0 if (exists $taxa{$name}) { }
1724 0 1 if (my $taxa = $self->get_taxa) { }
1732 2 0 unless ($taxa{$name})
1736 1 0 if (keys %taxa)
1768 0 0 if (@_)
1774 0 0 $args{'-compact'} ? :
1827 0 0 if ($self->get_type =~ /^standard$/i) { }
1831 0 0 if (my(@letters) = (sort {$a cmp $b;} grep({/[a-z]/i;} @states))) { }
1896 0 1 $args{'-data_block'} ? :
1904 0 1 if ($args{'-links'})
1906 0 0 if $self->get_taxa
1912 0 1 if ($args{'-data_block'}) { }
1923 0 0 $self->get_respectcase ? :
0 1 if $args{'-respectcase'}
1924 0 1 if $self->get_matchchar
1926 1 0 if $self->get_gap
1930 0 1 if ($args{'-gapmode'} or $args{'-polymorphism'})
1934 0 0 $self->get_gapmode ? :
0 0 if $args{'-gapmode'}
1938 0 0 $self->get_polymorphism ? :
0 0 if $args{'-polymorphism'}
1943 0 1 if ($args{'-charlabels'})
1945 0 0 if (my(@labels) = @{$self->get_charlabels;})
1948 0 0 $label =~ /\s/ ? :
1959 0 1 if ($args{'-statelabels'})
1961 0 0 if (my(@labels) = @{$self->get_statelabels;})
1966 0 0 $label =~ /\s/ ? :
1979 0 1 if ($args{'-charstatelabels'})
1982 0 0 if (@charlabels and @statelabels)
1987 0 0 if (my $label = $charlabels[$i]) { }
1988 0 0 $label =~ /\s/ ? :
1994 0 0 if (my $labelset = $statelabels[$i]) { }
1996 0 0 $label =~ /\s/ ? :
2003 0 0 if $i < $nlabels
2013 1 2 if CORE::length $datum->get_nexus_name > $length
2023 3 0 if (not $args{'-seqnames'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-seqnames'} =~ /^internal$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-seqnames'} =~ /^taxon/i and $datum->get_taxon) { }
2030 0 0 if ($args{'-seqnames'} =~ /^taxon_internal$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-seqnames'} =~ /^taxon$/i) { }
2040 0 3 unless $name
2071 0 0 if (&looks_like_instance($dom, 'SCALAR') and $dom->_type == 18) { }
2078 0 0 unless ($dom)
2084 0 0 if @args
2086 0 0 $args{'-compact'} ? :
2103 0 0 %{$ids_for_states;} ? :
2144 0 0 if $label
2145 0 0 if $states_id
2161 26 111 if (scalar @defined != $nchar)
2163 157 0 unless ($chars[$i])
2174 0 137 if (scalar @chars > $nchar)