Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 76 56.5

line true false branch
30 0 556 if (@_)
33 0 0 if ($key =~ qr/^VERBOSE$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($key =~ qr/^COMPAT$/i) { }
144 0 12044 if (my $reference = ref $class)
161 2934 9110 if (@_ and @_ = &looks_like_hash(@_))
176 0 5788 if ($key eq '-verbose')
196 0 5788 if ($@)
197 0 0 if (&blessed($@) and $@->can('rethrow')) { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $@ and $@ =~ /^Can't locate object method /) { }
217 11208 836 if (ref $self ne 'Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable' and not $self->isa('Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datatype'))
249 0 109 if (defined $guid) { }
274 2 109 if (defined $desc) { }
302 0 109 if (defined $score) { }
303 0 0 unless (&looks_like_number($score))
348 1979 617 unless (defined $generic{$id} and @_)
353 2596 0 if (@_)
357 128 2468 if (scalar @_ == 1 and &looks_like_instance($_[0], 'HASH')) { }
457 74 3462 unless (defined $generic{$id})
462 3427 109 if (defined $key) { }
464 0 3427 if (ref $key eq 'ARRAY') { }
554 6 103 unless defined $deep
565 108 1 if ($deep)
574 115 0 unless ($seen{$setter_name})
581 30 85 if (ref $output eq 'ARRAY') { }
56 58 elsif ($output and ref $output) { }
583 43 80 ref $_ ? :
602 1737 115 unless ($seen{$setter_name})
652 12044 0 if (defined($id = $self->get_id))
664 77757 33063 if ($class->can($cleanup))
685 12044 0 if (defined $id)
732 17319 0 if (&blessed($container)) { }
733 17319 0 if ($container->can('can_contain')) { }
734 17319 0 if ($container->can_contain($self)) { }
735 17319 0 if ($container->contains($self)) { }
773 0 0 if &looks_like_class('JSON')
778 0 0 if $self->get_guid
779 0 0 if $self->get_desc
780 0 0 if $self->get_score