Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
51 2 51 if /BEGIN TREES;/i
52 2 51 if (/^\s*TREE (\S+) = \[&([RU])\] (.+)$/i)
60 1 1 if $rooted eq 'U'
69 18 8 if ($tree_block and not $tree_string and /\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)/)
86 52 104 if ($name =~ /\[/ and $name =~ /^([^\[]*?)\[(.+?)\]$/)
92 52 0 if ($comments =~ /^&(.+)/) { }
100 463 0 if ($comments =~ /^(.+?)=/)
108 206 257 if ($comments =~ /^{([^}]+)}/) { }
257 0 elsif ($comments =~ /^([^,]+)/) { }
131 0 463 if ($old_length == length $comments)