Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 189 320 59.0

line true false branch
116 0 8251 if (exists $args{'-leaf'})
119 0 8251 if (exists $args{'-id'})
124 0 8251 if (exists $args{'-nhx'})
135 29 8222 unless ($LOADED_WRAPPERS)
136 0 0 if (@_)
0 0 if (@_)
0 0 if (defined $bs and &looks_like_number($bs))
0 0 if (@_)
0 0 if (my $desc = get_descendants())
0 0 if (@_)
0 0 if (my $children = $self->get_children)
0 0 if (my $desc = $self->get_descendants)
0 0 ref $values ? :
0 0 if (@_)
175 0 0 if defined $name
179 0 0 if defined $branch_length
183 0 0 if defined $desc
187 0 0 if defined $bootstrap and &looks_like_number($bootstrap)
238 114 0 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent) { }
241 114 0 if (my(@children) = @{$self->get_children;}) { }
246 228 0 if (defined $length)
259 114 0 if (my $tree = $self->get_tree)
333 6 230 if ($ps and &looks_like_object($ps, $TYPE_CONSTANT))
334 6 0 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
338 6 7 if ($children->[$i] == $self)
343 6 0 if $j == -1
369 6 230 if ($ns and &looks_like_object($ns, $TYPE_CONSTANT))
370 6 0 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
375 6 10 if ($children->[$i] == $self)
403 0 0 if ($self->is_root)
449 1 8 if $node->get_id == $root->get_id
450 1 7 if $node->get_parent and $node->get_parent->get_id == $root->get_id and not $force
465 0 7 if $dist < 0 or $dist > $tmp
497 7 0 if (scalar @children == 2) { }
513 0 0 if $j != $i
517 0 0 if @children
580 230 0 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
583 119 161 if ($children->[$i]->get_id == $id)
607 8214 215 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
610 8214 4474 if ($children->[$i]->get_id == $id)
637 69 2 if ($node = $node->get_parent) { }
664 3 0 if (my $anc = $self->get_ancestors) { }
689 2 1 $patristic ? :
692 3 0 if (my $terminals = $root->get_terminals) { }
696 13 11 if ($distance > $furthest_distance)
726 2 0 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
749 0 59478 unless defined $i
809 61523 0 if ($children)
833 0 749 if ($self->is_terminal) { }
860 1 0 if (@{$desc;})
862 6 8 if ($_->is_internal)
887 7 33 if ($self->get_id == $other_node->get_id)
895 32 168 if ($self_anc_id == $other_anc->[$j]->get_id)
922 6 4 if (my $grand_daughter = $daughter->get_first_daughter) { }
952 16 4 if (my $grand_daughter = $daughter->get_last_daughter) { }
985 0 0 if (my $parent = $node->get_parent)
986 0 0 if (my $pclone = $parent->get_generic('clone')) { }
1031 1008 896 if (not @child) { }
0 896 elsif (@child != 2) { }
1043 16 880 if ($found_ul and $found_vl)
1048 24 856 if ($found_ur and $found_vr)
1058 82 774 if $found_ul
1059 82 774 if $found_vl
1060 60 796 if $found_ur
1061 60 796 if $found_vr
1062 142 714 if ($found_u and not $found_v) { }
142 1032 elsif ($found_v and not $found_u) { }
1068 112 744 if $node->is_equal($u)
1069 112 744 if $node->is_equal($v)
1140 1 10 if $child->is_internal
1225 97600 8307 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent) { }
1231 3 97597 if ($self->get_id == $ancestor_id)
1256 3 8306 if ($child->is_descendant_of($self)) { }
1285 1 3 if ($self_parent and $sister_parent and $self_parent->get_id == $sister_parent->get_id) { }
1315 553 8062 if (my $parent = $self->get_parent)
1346 1 1 if $mrca->is_ancestor_of($outgroup)
1377 0 17161 if $type != $_->_type
1409 379 0 if (defined $branch_length)
1412 298 81 if (my $parent = $node->get_parent) { }
1443 1 1 if ($parent)
1444 1 0 if (my $cntr = $parent->calc_nodes_to_root)
1478 7 1 if ($nodes > $maxnodes)
1510 2 32 if (not $minnodes or $nodes < $minnodes)
1540 35 33 if (defined $branch_length)
1545 7 9 if ($length > $maxlength)
1575 35 33 if (defined $branch_length)
1580 9 7 unless ($minlength)
1583 0 16 if ($length < $minlength)
1612 37 1 if (defined $branch_length)
1619 43 5 if (defined $branch_length)
1674 704 468 if (shift())->is_terminal
1700 108 250 unless @child
1701 84 166 if $node->is_equal($u)
1705 58 108 if ($x->[0])
1709 0 58 if (not $child[1]) { }
1720 34 74 if ($y->[0]) { }
1724 0 34 if (not $child[0]) { }
1849 0 56 unless ($found_u and $found_v)
1857 13 43 if $root->is_equal($u)
1858 13 30 if $root->is_equal($v)
1971 0 145 if ($args{'-order'} and $args{'-order'} =~ /^rtl$/i) { }
1987 1063 4099 if $args{'-pre'}
1988 2469 2693 if (my $daughter = $node->$daughter_method) { }
1990 0 2469 if $args{'-with_relatives'}
1991 0 2469 if $args{'-pre_daughter'}
1993 7 2457 if $args{'-post_daughter'}
1996 10 2683 if $args{'-no_daughter'}
1998 0 5157 if $args{'-in'}
1999 2548 2609 if (my $sister = $node->$sister_method) { }
2001 0 2548 if $args{'-with_relatives'}
2002 0 2548 if $args{'-pre_sister'}
2004 0 2544 if $args{'-post_sister'}
2007 0 2609 if $args{'-no_sister'}
2009 4090 1063 if $args{'-post'}
2061 0 0 if ($args{'-order'} and $args{'-order'} =~ /rtl/i) { }
2077 0 0 if $args{'-pre'}
2078 0 0 if (my $sister = $node->$sister_method) { }
2079 0 0 if $args{'-pre_sister'}
2081 0 0 if $args{'-post_sister'}
2084 0 0 if $args{'-no_sister'}
2086 0 0 if $args{'-in'}
2087 0 0 if (my $daughter = $node->$daughter_method) { }
2088 0 0 if $args{'-pre_daughter'}
2090 0 0 if $args{'-post_daughter'}
2093 0 0 if $args{'-no_daughter'}
2095 0 0 if $args{'-post'}
2114 360 0 if (&looks_like_instance($sub, 'CODE')) { }
2119 6298 0 if (my $children = $node->get_children)
2156 0 0 if (my $taxon = $node->get_taxon)
2159 0 0 if ($node->is_root)
2166 0 0 if (my $length = shift(@nodes)->get_branch_length)
2189 0 0 if defined $length
2216 29 2937 unless $root_id
2221 2755 211 if ($node->is_terminal or $args{'-nodelabels'})
2222 35 2720 if (ref $args{'-nodelabels'} and ref $args{'-nodelabels'} eq 'CODE') { }
2720 0 elsif (not $args{'-tipnames'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-tipnames'} =~ /^internal$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-tipnames'} =~ /^taxon/i and $node->get_taxon) { }
2224 18 17 if ($node->is_terminal) { }
2239 0 0 if ($args{'-tipnames'} =~ /^taxon_internal$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'-tipnames'} =~ /^taxon$/i) { }
2249 0 35 if ($args{'-translate'} and exists $args{'-translate'}{$name})
2258 2734 232 if (defined($branch_length = $node->get_branch_length))
2259 0 2734 if ($args{'-blformat'})
2267 215 2751 if ($args{'-nhxkeys'})
2269 0 215 if ($args{'-nhxstyle'} =~ /^mesquite$/i) { }
2283 625 235 if $value
2285 215 0 if (@nhx) { }
2295 1453 1513 if (my $first_daughter = $node->get_first_daughter)
2301 1453 1513 if $node->get_first_daughter
2302 2755 211 if defined $name
2303 2734 232 if defined $branch_length
2304 215 2751 if $nhx
2305 29 2937 if ($root_id == $node->get_id) { }
1484 1453 elsif (my $next_sister = $node->get_next_sister) { }
2338 0 0 unless (&looks_like_object($dom, 18))
2346 0 0 if (my $taxon = $node->get_taxon)
2349 0 0 if ($node->is_root)
2356 0 0 if (my $length = shift(@nodes)->get_branch_length)
2384 0 0 if defined $length