Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 68 57.3

line true false branch
107 0 559 unless (defined $buffer)
123 1790 65199 if ($comment_level) { }
428 64771 elsif ($char eq q[']) { }
4669 60102 elsif ($in_quotes) { }
90 60012 elsif ($char eq '[') { }
5821 54191 elsif ($char =~ m([\[\]\-(){}/\\,;:=*"`+<>])) { }
6775 47416 elsif ($char =~ /\s/) { }
124 0 1790 if $char eq '['
125 90 1700 if $char eq ']'
133 214 214 if ($in_quotes) { }
137 0 214 if (defined $next and $next eq q[']) { }
180 2617 3204 unless $word eq ''
196 1965 4810 unless $word eq ''
211 397 162 unless $word eq ''
226 0 0 $i == 0 ? :
228 0 0 if ($word eq '-' or $word eq '+') { }
229 0 0 if (my($num, $exp) = $next =~ /^([\d.]+)(e)?/i)
230 0 0 if (_is_dec_number($num))
233 0 0 if ($exp)
298 4 1185 if ($nexus_word =~ m([-\s(){}\[\]/\\,;:=+*<>`'"])) { }
338 358 1781 if ($string =~ /^\[.*\]$/s) { }
357 0 861 unless defined $number and length $number
366 4 857 unless defined $number and $number =~ /$number_regex/
386 0 761 unless defined $number and length $number
390 0 761 unless _is_dec_number($num)
392 4 757 if defined $exp
413 84 4 if _is_dec_number($sci_num)
417 0 4 unless _is_dec_number($num) and _is_dec_number($exp)
456 0 0 if (&in_array($array2, $element1))
464 0 0 if ($element eq $_)
475 0 0 if $_ eq $test
482 0 0 if $array eq $test
483 0 0 unless scalar @$array == scalar @$test
487 0 0 if $astr eq $tstr