Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 94 70.2

line true false branch
69 0 73 unless ($type)
78 73 0 if (defined $commands and @$commands)
90 72 0 if ($self->get_statelabels)
98 72 0 unless ($$dimensions{'newtaxa'})
134 18 120 if ($this_token eq ',' or $#$command_tokens == -1) { }
135 3 15 if ($#$command_tokens == -1)
141 19 104 if ($this_element_token eq '/') { }
215 0 0 if ($token =~ /^\d+$/ and !$charnum > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($token =~ /^,$/) { }
244 34 38 unless (@$charstates)
250 0 0 if ($$state{'id'} == $$charstate{'id'})
272 220 84 unless $states
295 0 532 unless $self->get_taxlabels
147 385 if (@{[] unless $self->get_taxlabels;} == 0)
297 375 1244 if (lc $taxon eq lc $name)
333 0 8 if ($self->find_taxon($copy_otu_name)) { }
340 60 0 if (defined $otu)
341 8 52 if ($otu->get_name eq $original_otu_name)
446 0 85 unless (defined $nchar)
448 0 0 $otuset ? :
486 0 69 $format{'datatype'} eq 'continuous' ? :
4 69 $format{'statesformat'} ? :
490 3 70 $statesformat eq 'count' || $statesformat eq 'frequency' ? :
500 6 67 if ($expect_interleave) { }
526 406 2877 if (not $expect_interleave || $in_grouping and $taxa{$name} and scalar @{$taxa{$name};} == $nchar)
535 639 5089 if ($name eq '')
536 639 0 if ($expect_labels) { }
538 521 118 unless exists $taxa{$name}
547 0 0 $i > $#taxlabels ? :
551 0 5089 if ($word ne $missing_symbol and $word ne $gap_symbol and $word =~ /$punctuation_regex/) { }
97 4992 elsif ($word eq '(') { }
4 4988 elsif ($word eq '{') { }
101 4887 elsif ($word eq ')' or $word eq '}') { }
139 4748 elsif ($word eq ':') { }
573 139 0 if $in_grouping and $expect_freq
576 294 4454 if ($in_grouping) { }
577 155 139 if (not $saw_colon) { }
578 139 16 if ($expect_freq) { }
589 139 0 if $expect_freq
596 27 4427 $expect_tokens ? :
604 14 59 if $title
608 1 519 unless ($self->find_taxon($name))
674 0 9 unless ($self->SUPER::equals($block))
719 0 2 if (keys %{$charstates[0]{'states'};}) { }
0 2 elsif (@{$self->get_charlabels;} > 0) { }
773 0 2 if $Bio::NEXUS::CharactersBlock::AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY$/
783 0 2 if (defined $synonym_for{$Bio::NEXUS::CharactersBlock::AUTOLOAD}) { }