Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 36 88.8

line true false branch
65 600 153 if $self->seq =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::PROTLIKE/msx
72 2 9 if $self->seq =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::RNALIKE/ and not $self->is_protein
79 196 8403 if $self->seq =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::GAP/msx
89 18 18 $seq2->isa('Bio::MUST::Core::Seq') ? :
91 20 16 if $seq2 =~ /$self/imsx
101 18 18 $seq2->isa('Bio::MUST::Core::Seq') ? :
103 20 16 if $self =~ /$seq2/imsx
206 173 8 if ($self->is_protein) { }
207 10 163 if ($char eq '*') { }
163 0 elsif ($char eq 'X') { }
218 4 4 if ($char eq '*') { }
4 0 elsif ($char eq 'X') { }
305 2 38 if $state =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::PROTMISS/
306 1 37 if $state =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::DNAMISS/ and not $self->is_protein
315 30 109 if $self->state_at($site) =~ /$Bio::MUST::Core::Seq::GAP/
339 297 64 $self->is_protein ? :
400 0 113 $chunk < 0 ? :
402 0 113 if $nowrap