Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 22 0.0

line true false branch
107 0 0 unless $bo
109 0 0 $self->single_hsp ? :
130 0 0 if $coverage < $best_coverage * $self->coverage_mul
149 0 0 unless (@templates)
154 0 0 if $self->single_hsp
161 0 0 unless $template_seq
174 0 0 unless $self->single_hsp
192 0 0 if ($query_seqs->type eq 'nucl' and $blastdb->type eq 'nucl' and $hsp->hit_strand == -1)
208 0 0 if $self->single_hsp
227 0 0 unless ($ali->count_seqs)
239 0 0 $_->is_aligned ? :