Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 178 25.8

line true false branch
133 0 1 unless my $base = shift()
137 0 1 unless -d $base and -w _
151 0 1 if @_
157 0 1 if @_
176 0 0 $$options{'visibility'} =~ /pack/i ? :
177 0 0 $$options{'visibility'} =~ /pack/i ? :
181 0 0 if (my $graph_type = $$options{'glyph'}) { }
182 0 0 if ($graph_type =~ /box/) { }
186 0 0 $graph_type =~ /density/ ? :
191 0 0 $$options{'visibility'} =~ /pack/ ? :
194 0 0 if $$options{'name'}
196 0 0 if $$options{'description'}
198 0 0 if (my $color = $$options{'color'})
201 0 0 if (my $color = $$options{'altColor'})
204 0 0 if (exists $$options{'viewLimits'} and my($low, $hi) = split(/:/, $$options{'viewLimits'}, 3))
208 0 0 if (exists $$options{'maxHeightPixels'} and my($max, $default, $min) = split(/:/, $$options{'maxHeightPixels'}, 4))
212 0 0 if $$options{'windowingFunction'}
217 0 0 if $$options{'smoothingWindow'}
233 0 1 unless $type =~ /^(gff3|featurefile)$/i
239 1 0 if ($type eq 'gff3') { }
252 1 0 if defined $name
253 0 1 if defined $note
259 0 1 unless $seqid
262 1 0 if ($type eq 'gff3') { }
298 0 1 if /^#/
299 0 1 unless /\S/
301 0 1 if (/^track/)
306 0 1 if (/^fixedStep/)
311 1 0 if (/^variableStep/)
316 0 1 if (/^\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+-?[\dEe.]+/)
321 1 0 if ($format ne 'none')
324 0 1 $format eq 'bed' ? :
1 0 unless $$self{'track_options'}{'chrom'} and exists $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$$self{'track_options'}{'chrom'}}{'min'}
329 0 1 if $format eq 'bed'
330 0 1 if $format eq 'fixed'
331 1 0 if $format eq 'variable'
336 0 1 if defined $_ and /^(track|variableStep|fixedStep)/
348 0 0 unless $options{'type'} eq 'wiggle_0'
360 0 0 unless exists $options{'chrom'}
361 0 0 unless exists $options{'start'}
362 0 0 unless exists $options{'step'}
372 0 1 unless exists $options{'chrom'}
398 0 1 if ($self->allow_sampling and (my $size = stat($infh)->size) > 5000000)
408 0 1 if ($bedline)
412 0 0 if $transform
418 0 3809 if /^track/
419 0 3809 if /chrom=(\S+)/ and $1 ne $chrom
420 0 3809 if /^\#|fixedStep|variableStep/
421 0 3809 unless my(@tokens) = split(/\s+/, $_, 0)
422 0 3809 @tokens > 3 ? :
424 0 3809 if $transform
449 0 0 unless seek $fh, int rand $size, 0
452 0 0 unless $line
455 0 0 unless $value =~ /^[\d\seE.+-]+$/
456 0 0 if $transform
472 0 2 if $transform
481 0 0 if $value == 0
488 0 0 if $value == 0
489 0 0 if ($value < 0) { }
501 0 0 if $oops
503 0 0 if /^track/
504 0 0 if /^#/
515 0 0 if $transform
522 0 0 unless exists $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$seqid}{'start'} and $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$seqid}{'start'} < $start
526 0 0 unless exists $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$seqid}{'end'} and $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$seqid}{'end'} > $end
543 0 0 if not defined $$chrom{'start'} or $$chrom{'start'} > $start
546 0 0 if not defined $$chrom{'end'} or $$chrom{'end'} < $end
554 0 0 if /^(track|variableStep|fixedStep)/
555 0 0 if /^#/
558 0 0 if (@buffer >= 500000)
559 0 0 if $transform
568 0 0 if $transform
569 0 0 if @buffer
584 0 3809 if /^(track|variableStep|fixedStep)/
585 0 3809 if /^#/
587 0 3809 unless my($start, $value) = split(/\s+/, $_, 3)
588 0 3809 if $transform
589 0 3809 unless eval { do { $wigfile->set_value($start, $value); 1 } }
595 1 3808 if not defined $$chrom{'start'} or $$chrom{'start'} > $start
598 3809 0 if not defined $$chrom{'end'} or $$chrom{'end'} < $end
613 1 0 unless (exists $self->current_track->{'seqids'}{$seqid}{'wig'})
629 0 1 unless ($class->can('new'))
632 0 0 if $@
645 0 1 unless $wigfile
654 0 0 unless $rgb =~ /\d+,\d+,\d+/
663 0 0 unless (%Bio::Graphics::Wiggle::Loader::color_name)
666 0 0 unless my($hex, $name) = split(' ', $_, 3)
676 0 1 unless @args
680 0 1 unless defined $_