Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 54 14.8

line true false branch
48 1 141 if (@_ and @_ > 0 and $_[-1] and exists $STRAND_CHAR_TABLE{$_[-1]}) { }
59 0 0 if (-f $f . '.fai') { }
0 0 elsif (-f $f . '.nhr') { }
0 0 elsif ($SAMTOOLS_CMD) { }
62 0 0 unless open my $fh, '-|', $BLASTDB_CMD, '-db', $f, '-entry', 'all', '-outfmt', "%a\t%l"
67 0 0 unless system('samtools', 'faidx', $f) == 0
68 0 0 if -f $f . '.fai'
72 0 0 unless ($d)
84 0 0 if $sl{$r->[0]}
98 0 0 unless ref $sub eq 'CODE' and -f $f
104 0 0 if ($pattern)
133 0 0 if &blessed($seq1)
134 0 0 if &blessed($seq2)
138 0 0 unless ($include_gaps)
148 0 0 if (length($seq2) - $seq2_gaps < length($seq1) - $seq1_gaps) { }
156 0 0 if ($use_longest) { }
208 0 0 unless defined $pattern
211 0 0 if (ref $pattern eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $pattern eq 'HASH') { }
217 0 0 defined $pattern->{$id} ? :
229 0 0 unless $seq
230 0 0 unless (&blessed($seq))
231 0 0 if (ref $seq eq 'ARRAY') { }
256 1 24 unless ($initialized)
264 0 2048 if $parth & 1
266 1024 1024 if $rflag
281 0 25 wantarray ? :