Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 34 88.2

line true false branch
47 6518 39579 if ($_ eq '.')
66 1 5101 if not defined $attr_string or $attr_string eq '.'
74 1 9665 unless defined $values
85 0 65 unless my($name, $contents) = $line =~ /^ \s* \#\# \s* (\S+) \s* (.*) $/x
89 54 11 if (length $contents)
95 12 53 if ($name eq 'sequence-region') { }
0 53 elsif ($name eq 'genome-build') { }
113 0 10 unless defined $attr_string
115 10 0 if ref $attr_string eq 'HASH' and not &Scalar::Util::blessed($attr_string)
119 62 18 defined $_ ? :
137 2 9 if $fa and $fb
139 5 4 if $fa and not $fb
140 3 1 if not $fa and $fb
148 1 16 unless defined $attr
155 20 4 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ? :
156 21 3 if (length $val) { }
166 14 2 length $astring ? :