Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 69 102 67.6

line true false branch
156 0 4 if ($class ne $pkg)
162 0 4 unless defined $cutoff
187 4 4 if (defined $new_cutoff)
206 4 0 if (defined $new_verbose)
248 4 0 if (defined $new_universe)
250 4 0 if ($new_universe =~ /^(user|union|genes|intersection)$/) { }
285 5352 28 if (exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$arg{'dbacc'}} and exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$arg{'dbacc'}}{'DESC'}) { }
287 0 5352 if ($arg{'desc'} ne $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$arg{'dbacc'}}{'DESC'})
320 0 45396 if (exists $$self{'GENES'}{$arg{'gene'}}{'PVAL'} and $$self{'GENES'}{$arg{'gene'}}{'PVAL'} != $arg{'pval'})
357 5 4 if (lc $order ne 'sorted') { }
394 7071 665 unless defined $all_option
398 0 7736 unless (exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$pathway})
401 665 7071 if ($all_option eq 'ALL') { }
402 0 665 if ($name eq 'FDR')
405 0 665 unless (exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$pathway}{'ALL_RESULTS'}{$name})
411 0 7071 unless (exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$pathway}{'BEST_RESULTS'}{$name})
453 0 4 if ($fdr < 1 or $fdr > $$self{'FDR_CUTOFF'} or int $fdr != $fdr)
474 1 0 if (defined $_[0])
475 1 0 if ($$self{'UNIVERSE'} eq 'user') { }
494 7740 4 if $$self{'STATE'} eq 'calculated'
495 0 4 if $$self{'VERBOSE'}
507 8 0 if ($cutoff > 0 and $cutoff <= 100 and $cutoff == int $cutoff) { }
523 0 50776 if (scalar(@{$arg_ref;}) % 2 == 1)
529 0 106932 unless (exists $args{$arg})
533 0 50776 if (scalar @missing)
543 0 8763 unless (exists $$self{'PATHWAYS'}{$pathway})
551 1293 1810 defined $$self{'GENES'}{$b}{'PVAL'} ? :
1482 3103 defined $$self{'GENES'}{$a}{'PVAL'} ? :
563006 4585 defined $$self{'GENES'}{$a}{'PVAL'} && defined $$self{'GENES'}{$b}{'PVAL'} ? :
570 0 140 if $$self{'VERBOSE'}
579 109561 1116174 if defined $_ and $_ <= $qlevel * $i++ / $$self{'GENE_COUNT'}
586 3 1 unless (defined $$self{'GENE_COUNT'})
589 1 3 if ($$self{'UNIVERSE'} eq 'genes') { }
1 2 elsif ($$self{'UNIVERSE'} eq 'user') { }
1 1 elsif ($$self{'UNIVERSE'} eq 'union') { }
1 0 elsif ($$self{'UNIVERSE'} eq 'intersection') { }
598 0 1 unless ($$self{'GENE_COUNT'} >= scalar keys %{$$self{'GENES'};} and $$self{'GENE_COUNT'} >= $sum)
615 10715 719 unless ($exists_pathway and $exists_pval)
616 0 10715 if $$self{'VERBOSE'}
625 0 4 if $$self{'VERBOSE'}
632 12068 85 if (defined $$self{'GENES'}{$gene}{'PVAL'})
640 2410 280 if (exists $seen{$pgene})
646 0 14 if ($$self{'VERBOSE'})
647 0 0 if ($old_size != $new_size) { }
676 0 980 if $fdr_gene_cutoff == 0
687 35887 731768 if defined $seen{$g}
697 0 980 if ($$self{'VERBOSE'})
701 0 980 if ($pval == 0) { }
716 302 678 if ($pval < $bestpval)
735 0 28 if ($$self{'VERBOSE'})
762 0 7840 unless defined $$array_ref[$i]