Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 148 28.3

line true false branch
42 0 0 if (ref(my $t = $clone->type))
43 0 0 $t->can('clone') ? :
47 0 0 if (ref(my $g = $clone->group))
48 0 0 $g->can('clone') ? :
57 0 64 if @_
64 204 482 if @_
71 345 615 if @_
87 0 9390 if @_
94 63 8982 if @_
100 0 0 unless exists $$self{'note'}
106 0 0 if (@_) { }
109 0 0 $$self{'attributes'} ? :
139 0 0 unless my $value = $$self{'attributes'}{$tag}
140 0 0 ref $value ? :
147 0 0 if @_
154 0 0 if (defined $tag) { }
164 170 0 if (@_)
168 170 0 unless $d
169 0 0 wantarray ? :
175 0 0 if exists $$self{'target'} and ref $$self{'target'} eq 'ARRAY'
180 0 0 if exists $$self{'target'} and ref $$self{'target'} eq 'ARRAY'
185 0 0 if exists $$self{'target'} and ref $$self{'target'} eq 'ARRAY'
191 471 495 if @_
197 0 213 unless my $type = $self->type
203 63 12 unless my $type = $self->type
209 0 0 unless my $type = $self->type
216 204 0 if @_
223 267 63 if @_
230 204 0 if @_
237 204 471 if @_
244 0 204 if @_
259 204 204 if @_
266 204 63 if @_
273 204 0 if @_
280 267 65 if @_
287 204 0 if @_
294 170 0 if @_
300 0 0 unless $self->note or $self->link_label
313 0 5 if $s eq '.'
314 0 5 if $s eq '+'
315 5 0 if $s eq '-'
325 0 0 unless my $seg = $self->segment
326 0 0 unless my $das = $seg->das
329 0 0 if ($self->strand < 0)
339 0 6 unless my $subfeat = $$self{'subfeatures'}
342 0 6 if ($type) { }
343 0 0 unless my $features = $$subfeat{lc $type}
365 0 0 if (my $subfeat = $$self{'subfeatures'})
371 0 0 unless defined $$self{'fstrand'}
372 0 0 if ($start <= $stop) { }
373 0 0 if not defined $$self{'start'} or $start < $$self{'start'}
374 0 0 if not defined $$self{'stop'} or $stop > $$self{'stop'}
376 0 0 if not defined $$self{'start'} or $start > $$self{'start'}
377 0 0 if not defined $$self{'stop'} or $stop < $$self{'stop'}
382 0 0 unless $t and $st
384 0 0 if ($start < $stop) { }
385 0 0 if not defined $$t[1] or $start < $$t[1]
386 0 0 if not defined $$t[2] or $stop > $$t[2]
388 0 0 if not defined $$t[1] or $start > $$t[1]
389 0 0 if not defined $$t[2] or $stop < $$t[2]
401 1 5 if $$self{'sorted'}++
402 0 5 unless my $strand = $self->strand
403 0 5 unless my $subfeat = $$self{'subfeatures'}
408 0 5 if $strand > 0
412 5 0 if $strand < 0
419 0 0 if @_
450 0 0 if $reversed
460 0 0 unless 'Bio::Location::Split'->can('new')
462 0 0 if (my(@segments) = $self->segments) { }
475 0 0 unless 'Bio::Location::Simple'->can('new')
476 0 0 if (my(@segments) = $self->segments) { }
491 0 0 unless my(@segments) = $self->segments
496 0 0 unless 'Bio::Location::WidestCoordPolicy'->can('new')
503 0 0 if @_